When it comes to paying for college, career school, or graduate school, federal student loans can offer several advantages over private student loans


When it comes to paying for college, career school, or graduate school, federal student loans can offer several advantages over private student loans.

Need a loan to help pay for college? Consider federal loans first!

If you apply for financial aid, your school will likely include student loans as part of your financial aid package. It’s important to understand what types of loans you are offered. Generally, there are two types of student loans—federal and private.

Federal student loans and federal parent loans: These loans are funded by the federal government.

Private student loans: These loans are nonfederal loans, made by a lender such as a bank, credit union, state agency, or a school.

If you need to borrow money to pay for college or career school, start with federal loans.

Federal student loans are

Direct Subsidized Loans and Direct Unsubsidized Loans and

Direct PLUS Loans (for graduate and professional students).

Federal parent loans are

Direct PLUS Loans (for parents). Parents are fully responsible for paying these loans, even though they are taken out to benefit students.

What are the differences between federal and private student loans?

Federal student loans are made by the government, with terms and conditions that are set by law, and include many benefits (such as fixed interest rates and income-driven repayment plans) not typically offered with private loans.

In contrast, private loans are made by private organizations such banks, credit unions, and state-based or state-affiliated organizations, and have terms and conditions that are set by the lender. Private student loans are generally more expensive than federal student loans.

The chart below provides a summary of the differences.


Federal Student Loans

Federal Parent Loans

Private Student Loans*

When payments become due

Payments aren’t due until after you graduate, leave school, or change your enrollment status to less than half-time.

You (the parent) can choose to put off payments until the student you borrowed for graduates, leaves school, or changes enrollment status to less than half-time.

Many private student loans require payments while you are still in school, but some do allow you to defer (put off) payments while in school.

Interest rates

The interest rate is fixed and is often lower than private loans—and much lower than some credit card interest rates. View the current interest rates on federal student loans.

The interest rate is fixed and may be lower than private loans—and much lower than some credit card interest rates. View the current interest rates on federal student and parent loans.

Private student loans can have variable or fixed interest rates, which may be higher or lower than the rates on federal loans depending on your circumstances.


If you have financial need, you may qualify for a loan for which the government pays the interest while you’re in school on at least a half-time basis and during certain other periods. This type of loan is called a "subsidized loan."

These loans are not subsidized; therefore, you will be responsible for all the interest on your loans.

Private student loans are often not subsidized. In the case of an unsubsidized loan, you will be responsible for all the interest on your loan.

Credit check

You don’t need to get a credit check to qualify for federal student loans (except for PLUS loans). For PLUS loans, we will check your credit before determining whether you are eligible. Learn how someone with an adverse credit history may qualify for a PLUS loan.

We will check your credit before determining whether you are eligible. Learn how someone with an adverse credit history may qualify for a PLUS loan.

Private student loans often require an established credit record or a cosigner.

Tax benefits

Interest may be tax deductible.

Interest may be tax deductible.

Interest may be tax deductible.

Consolidation and refinancing

Loans can be consolidated into a Direct Consolidation Loan. Learn about your consolidation options.

Loans can be consolidated into a Direct Consolidation Loan. Learn about your consolidation options.

Private student loans cannot be consolidated into a Direct Consolidation Loan but may be refinanced.

Postponement options

If you are having trouble repaying your loan, you may be able to temporarily postpone or lower your payments.

If you are having trouble repaying your loan, you may be able to temporarily postpone or lower your payments.

You should check with your lender to find out about options for postponing or lowering your loan payments.

Repayment plans

There are several repayment plans, including an option to tie your monthly payment to your income.

There are several repayment plans, including an option to tie your monthly payment to your income.

You should check with your lender to find out about your repayment options.

Prepayment penalties

There is no prepayment penalty fee.

There is no prepayment penalty fee.

You need to make sure there are no prepayment penalty fees.

Loan forgiveness

You may be eligible to have some portion of your loans forgiven if you work in public service. Learn about our loan forgiveness programs.

You may be eligible to have some portion of your loans forgiven if you work in public service. Learn about our loan forgiveness programs.

Although many private lenders do not offer loan forgiveness programs, some student loans from state agencies can be forgiven in certain circumstances.

Where to get help

Contact your loan servicer first. If you have difficulty with your loan servicer, send us feedback.

Contact your loan servicer first. If you have difficulty with your loan servicer, send us feedback.

Contact your loan servicer first. If you have difficulty with your loan servicer, contact the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for assistance

*Private loans differ by lender and by type of loan. Be sure you understand the terms of your loan, and keep in touch with your lender about any questions you may have.

How do I get a federal student loan?

To get a federal loan, you must first complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. Learn more about applying for aid.


What to know about private student loan forgiveness and how to save money on your private student loans. (Shutterstock)

Private student loans make up just about 7.6% of the trillion-dollar student loan market, according to data exchange platform MeasureOne. But private student loan borrowers carry a total $123 billion-plus share of Americans’ total student loan debt.

The broad student loan forgiveness which President Joe Biden announced on Aug. 24 doesn’t apply to private student loans. Private lenders fund them, not the federal government.

If you have private student loans, you can take steps that could help you manage your payments, lower their cost and pay them off faster — including refinancing. 

With Credible, you can easily compare student loan refinancing rates from multiple lenders in minutes.

Can you get private student loan forgiveness?

Can bankruptcy cancel private student loan debt?

Could President Biden forgive private student loans?

Alternative to private student loan forgiveness

Can you get private student loan forgiveness?

Government and independent student loan forgiveness programs don’t apply to private student loans. Only federal student loans can be forgiven.

However, your private student loan lender may offer some kind of relief for borrowers in financial distress. You may be able to contact your lender and request a payment pause, or a lower interest rate or payment amount. But these measures will be temporary, and interest will continue to accrue during the relief period.


Can bankruptcy cancel private student loan debt?

Federal student loans can’t be discharged through bankruptcy. Private student loan debt can, although the process can be more difficult than discharging other types of debt, like credit card debt.

Some types of private student loans may require borrowers who file for bankruptcy to demonstrate extreme financial hardship and go through an extra step known as an adversary proceeding, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Certain education loans are treated like other types of unsecured loans. The CFPB says these include:

Loans paid directly to the borrower for an amount higher than the total cost of tuition, books, and room and board

Loans to attend unaccredited colleges, schools outside the U.S., unaccredited training and trade certificate programs, and other educational institutions that aren’t eligible for Title IV funding

Loans taken to cover fees and living expenses while the borrower studies for the bar or other professional exam

Loans taken by borrowers who attended school less than half-time

Bankruptcy should be a last resort

If you’re struggling financially, bankruptcy can look like an appealing solution. But it’s important to remember that bankruptcy is a legal process with far-reaching and lasting negative consequences. 

Bankruptcy can appear on your credit report for seven to 10 years after it’s settled in the courts, depending on the type of bankruptcy. In addition to its immediate negative effect on your credit score, bankruptcy can make it difficult to secure new credit, or secure credit at favorable rates and terms, while it’s still present on your credit report.


Could President Biden forgive private student loans?

It’s highly unlikely, and perhaps even impossible, for the federal government to broadly forgive private student loan debt. Banks, credit unions, online lenders and other private financial institutions issue private student loans — not the Department of Education.

The Department of Education was set to extend $10,000 in student loan forgiveness to individual federal student loan borrowers making $125,000 or less ($250,000 or less for households). Qualifying borrowers who also received federal Pell Grants were to get up to $10,000 more, for a total of $20,000 in forgiveness. However, several lawsuits arose, with two of them blocking the program from being enacted. About 16 million borrowers had already applied and been approved for forgiveness.

Oral arguments were made before the Supreme Court on Feb. 28, but a final decision won’t be made until June.

What is a confidential understudy loan?

Confidential understudy loans are regularly given by a bank or monetary foundation, (rather than bureaucratic understudy loans, which are presented by the public authority).

Kinds of private understudy loans

There are private understudy loans for understudies in undergrad, graduate, authentication, dental, clinical, and wellbeing calling programs. Sallie Mae likewise offers private understudy loans for graduates reading up for the final law test, or moving for clinical and dental residencies.

What can private school credits be utilized for?

Whether you're concentrating on the web or nearby, non-public school advances — as well as government understudy loans — for school and graduate school can be utilized to pay for your schooling costs, which for full-time and half-time understudies might include:

Educational cost

Food and lodging





PC for school

Acquire what you want for the whole school year. Apply just a single time with a solitary credit check and subsidizes will be sent straightforwardly to your school or college to cover each term as mentioned. You can drop future payment depending on the situation with no punishment. No extra premium is charged until cash is shipped off your school.

Who is qualified for private understudy loans?

Government and confidential understudy loans utilize different qualification rules.

Administrative understudy loans are presented by the public authority. You can finish up the FAFSA to decide qualification.

For Financed Advances, the US Branch of Training pays the interest while the understudy is in school half time, effortlessness (whenever offered) and approved suspension periods.

For Unsubsidized Credits, the borrower is liable for paying interest during the in-school or elegance periods, or a post-school suspension.

Confidential understudy loans, presented by banks and monetary foundations, depend on your reliability. Your credit — and your cosigner's credit — are assessed, alongside other data gave on your application. Applying for a confidential understudy loan with a financially sound cosigner might expand your opportunities for endorsement and may assist with getting you a superior rate.

You ought to for the most part consider government understudy loans first, and afterward take out a confidential understudy loan on the off chance that you actually need cash for school.

Instructions to search for private credits for school

There are contrasts between confidential credits for school. It's critical to find a respectable understudy loan bank; here are far to view as the right one:

Begin with your school to check whether they offer a bank list.

Affirm that the bank works with your school of decision.

Ask others for proposals on banks they've utilized for their understudy loans.

Ensure you're taking a gander at the right confidential understudy loan for your schooling. There might be various credits for undergrad, graduate, proceeding with schooling, or declaration courses.

Instructions to look at private understudy loans

Whenever you've found several moneylenders, you can contrast their confidential understudy loan choices with see what each offers:

What is the financing cost range?

Might you at any point pick a variable or fixed financing cost?

Are there educational loan charges, similar to a start expense?

Is there a decision of in-school reimbursement choices (fixed, interest just, or conceded)?

Are there helps that assist you with bringing down your loan fee?

Is there a program that allows you to make more sensible installments (like interest just) for a while after you graduate?

Do you approach your FICO® FICO assessment?

Are there different advantages that make the confidential credit for school important?

Is the organization trustworthy, with numerous long periods of involvement?

Applying for private understudy loans

You can apply for private school credits straightforwardly from every bank's site. You ought to apply after you've pursued your school choice and when you know the amount you really want to get, so you will not need to submit separate understudy loan applications for schools you're thinking about.

Step by step instructions to get a confidential understudy loan for school

There's ordinarily no expense to apply for private understudy loans, however there are a couple of things you ought to be aware before you start:

You'll finish up essential individual data and monetary data.

You'll be approached to pick the financing cost type and reimbursement choice for your credit.

You by and large can apply with a reliable cosigner during the application interaction. On the off chance that you apply with a cosigner, they'll need to supply their monetary data in the understudy loan application.

Our confidential understudy loan application process just requires around 15 minutes to get a credit result.

Comprehend the understudy loan application process

What amount would it be advisable for you to get for in confidential understudy loans?

As far as the amount you ought to take out for school, get just what you want to stand to repay later. Contemplate your future vocation and the amount you might make in your picked field. To assist with assessing your future pay potential, you can visit the US Branch of Work at bls.gov.

What amount could you at any point get in confidential understudy loans?

How much cash you can get from a private schooling credit fluctuates by moneylender. Assuming your moneylender requires "school accreditation," your school confirms your enlistment and guarantees that you're not getting more than the expense of participation (counting your government understudy loans, grants, and awards).

Do you want a decent financial record for private understudy loans

Confidential advances for understudies are credit-based. That implies that a loan specialist will check out at your set of experiences of getting cash and repaying it. Government understudy loans, then again, are by and large in view of monetary circumstance and administrative rules as opposed to credit. (Note: A credit check is led for the Government In addition to Credit.)

In the event that you don't have a record, you might require a cosigner. A cosigner can be a parent, relative, or some other financially sound person. Their great financial record might assist you with getting a confidential understudy loan.

Alongside you, a cosigner acknowledges liability regarding reimbursing your confidential understudy loan. On the off chance that you keep your credit on favorable terms, making on-time installments, it tends to be an incredible method for building your own credit. In the event that you fall behind or don't take care of your advance, your cosigner's credit can endure in the event that they don't make installments.

What occurs after you apply for a confidential understudy loan?

After you apply for our private schooling credits for school or graduate school, you'll commonly get a credit choice in the span of 15 minutes of applying. Once supported, you'll likewise get notification to audit, acknowledge, and virtual sign your credit terms.

Your school should guarantee your credit sum before it very well may be dispensed (paid to the school). Then you'll get a Last Revelation explaining the subtleties.

You reserve the privilege to drop your confidential understudy loan as depicted in the Last Revelation before it's dispensed (shipped off) your school.

Realize what occurs after your credit is supported

Dealing with your confidential understudy loans

Beginning with your most memorable semester, it'll be useful to monitor both your government and confidential understudy loans. Here are a few ways to oversee understudy loans and obligation:

You might apply for another credit each year that you're an understudy.

You might should be signed up for school half-time.

Premium gathers on your understudy loan over the lifetime of the advance. Making in-school installments might bring down the complete expense of your advance.

When you leave school, regardless of whether you graduate, you'll for the most part have an effortlessness time of a half year before you start to make head and interest installments.

As you keep on taking out government or confidential understudy loans all through your years in school, keep a rundown of the moneylenders, the amount you're getting — and remember to capably get.

Find out about dealing with your understudy loans

Questions? Need assistance applying?

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footnote1. For applications submitted straightforwardly to Sallie Mae, advance sum can't surpass the expense of participation less monetary guide got, as ensured by the school. Applications submitted to Sallie Mae through an accomplice site might be exposed to a lower greatest credit demand sum. Various individual costs (like a PC) might be remembered for the expense of participation for understudies enlisted half-time.

footnoteSallie Mae doesn't give, and these materials are not intended to convey, monetary, charge, or legitimate exhortation. Counsel your own monetary guide, charge consultant, or lawyer about your particular conditions.

footnoteExplore government credits and contrast with ensure you figure out the terms and elements. Confidential understudy loans that have variable rates can go up over the existence of the credit. Government understudy loans are legally necessary to give a scope of adaptable reimbursement choices, including, yet not restricted to, pay based reimbursement and pay contingent reimbursement plans, and credit pardoning and suspension benefits, which other understudy loans are not expected to give. Government advances for the most part have start expenses, however are accessible to understudies paying little mind to pay.

footnoteFederal understudy loan data was accumulated on Walk 1, 2023 from studentaid.ed.gov.

footnoteSallie Mae gives pay to its accomplices to their reference of educational loan clients.

HomeUnderstand AidTypes of Monetary AidLoansFederal Versus Private Credits

With regards to paying for school, vocation school, or graduate school, government understudy loans can offer a few benefits over confidential understudy loans.

Need a credit to help pay for school? Think about government credits first!

In the event that you apply for monetary guide, your school will probably incorporate understudy loans as a component of your monetary guide bundle. It's essential to comprehend what sorts of advances you are advertised. By and large, there are two kinds of educational loans — government and private.

Bureaucratic understudy loans and administrative parent credits: These advances are financed by the central government.

Confidential understudy loans: These credits are nonfederal advances, made by a moneylender like a bank, credit association, state office, or a school.

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