San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer.

 San Antonio Truck Accident Lawyer.




















If you or one of your loved ones has been involved in an accident with a truck, your choice in legal representation matters. Do not risk your right to financial compensation by failing to speak with a qualified, experienced, an experienced San Antonio truck accident lawyer from the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo. Contact us online or call us for a free consultation. We will help you obtain the compensation that you deserve.

How Can Our Attorneys Help With Your Case?

We have over two decades of collective legal experience. Our legal team uses our trial skills and knowledge to the benefit of our clients.

Our law firm offers affordable legal representation. In addition to free consultations, we do not demand up-front legal fees unless we secure a recovery.

When you’re working with our law firm, you can be certain that you are being represented by a team of results-oriented litigators who strive to secure the maximum amount of financial compensation you deserve. Our team will work to obtain the police report, handle communication with insurance companies and will fight for fair compensation to cover for unexpected expenses like medical bills and lost wages. Do not wait another moment to speak with our personal injury lawyers in San Antonio. As compassionate legal advocates, we stand at your side until justice is fully served.


Determining Liability

Defective Products Causing an Accident 

Damages You Can Recover

Time Limit to File Accident Claims

Types of Truck Accidents

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Common Injuries

Who Can Be Held Responsible in a Trucking Accident?

The person or entity that caused your wreck may be liable for your damages. Trucking companies will be vicariously liable for the mistakes of their drivers in most situations. If the big rig driver was on duty at the time of your accident, the company will be liable for the actions of the driver. A trucking company could be responsible for your damages even if the at-fault truck driver was an independent contractor at the time of the wreck, thanks to federal liability laws. The company could also be liable if it contributed to your accident directly. For instance, if the company negligently allowed a damaged or worn truck to transport goods, it could be responsible for a subsequent tire blowout accident. Negligent hiring in the trucking industry and incomplete training practices are also common reasons to hold a trucking company liable for a wreck resulting in personal injuries.

Defective Products Causing an Accident

Our San Antonio truck accident attorneys have also seen big rig accident cases that involve third-party negligence. We have seen truck accidents stemming from defective vehicle parts, for example. Bad brakes or other truck defects could point to manufacturer liability for damages. Other third parties that may owe you money for damages include other passenger vehicle drivers, cargo loaders and truck owners. An analysis of your case by one of our injury attorneys can help you assign fault.

What Can I Recover With a Claim?

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive at our law office is, “How much is my truck accident claim worth?” We know this is a critical question for families who are experiencing financial hardships after serious accidents. We are in the business of personal injury law to bring peace of mind to individuals and families by obtaining them maximum compensation for their losses. We know how life-changing a recovery award can be after a major truck accident in San Antonio. A successful insurance settlement or injury lawsuit can help you recover the costs of many economic and noneconomic losses.

Medical expenses. All past and future costs of medical care, including stays in the ICU, ambulance fees, surgeries, rehabilitative care, physical therapy, emotional therapy, medications and medical devices.

Lost wages. The full amount of income you lost from having to stay home from work while you recovered from your truck accident injuries. If the crash gave you a permanent injury, you could also recover compensation for lost capacity to earn.

Property damage. The amount you will have to spend to repair your damaged vehicle or replace a totaled vehicle. Truck accidents often totally disable smaller passenger cars, requiring vehicle replacement. You could also recover the costs of a rental car.

Pain and suffering. An award to address your personal pain and suffering related to the truck accident, including emotional distress, inconvenience, mental anguish, post-traumatic stress disorder, lost quality of life and loss of consortium.

Punitive damages. An additional award that may be available if the defendant in your case is guilty of maliciousness, intent to cause the truck accident or gross negligence. A punitive damage award is a type of punishment against the defendant.

At the Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo, our San Antonio truck accident lawyers know a financial recovery is not everything. However, we have also witnessed firsthand how a settlement can transform a victim’s life after a serious motor vehicle collision. A fair recovery can enable you to pay your bills and move forward with the financial security you deserve; for example, it can allow you to pay for the lifetime costs of a permanent injury. Discuss your case with us today during a free consultation for more information about its potential value.

Do I Have a Case?

You may have grounds for an 18-wheeler accident case if your attorney can prove the defendant owed you a duty of care, breached this duty and caused your accident. These are the four main elements necessary for a truck accident lawsuit in Texas. Your semi-truck accident lawyer must prove these elements based on a preponderance of evidence: your case is more likely to be true than not true. A semi-truck accident claim could be the answer to funding your accident-related health care costs and property damage expenses. More importantly, it could give you justice after a traumatic accident. A successful trucking accident case could shed light on dangerous trucking company practices in your community. It could force the company to change the way it handles truck and driver safety, potentially preventing future accidents. Retaining an injury attorney with tractor-trailer accident experience can improve your odds of achieving positive case results.

Statute of Limitations to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit

If you’ve been injured in a truck accident and wish to file a lawsuit, your window of opportunity is limited. Every state, including Texas, has statutes of limitations that control the amount of time an injured victim has to file an injury lawsuit. The purpose of these laws is to prevent people from taking an unnecessary amount of time to file claims, helping to create a more efficient legal system.

According to Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code section 16.003, you will have no more than two years from the date of your truck accident to file a personal injury claim, in most situations. Two years is the deadline in Texas on all personal injury and property damage claims. However, this deadline may be slightly longer or shorter in special cases.

If the victim did not discover his or her injury right away: two years from the date of discovery.

If the victim is a minor under the age of 18: two years from the date of the victim’s 18th

If filing a wrongful death lawsuit: two years from the date of the loved one’s death.

If the defendant is a government entity: six months from the date of the accident.

Unless an exception to the rule applies, if you wait longer than your deadline to file a claim, the courts in San Antonio will refuse to hear your case. The courts take statutes of limitations very seriously. Always act quickly after a commercial vehicle accident. Prompt legal action can ensure you preserve your right to file an injury or property damage lawsuit in Texas.

Types of Truck Accidents

Trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, even if a truck is traveling at low speeds, a collision can result in serious or fatal injuries. Truck drivers have reduced visibility compared to cars, they need considerably more time to stop and their gravity center makes it easier for them to roll over compared to other motor vehicles. Some common types of commercial truck accidents include:

Jackknife accidents

Read-end collisions

Truck rollovers

Underride accidents

Tire blowouts

No matter what type of truck accident you were involved in, contact a San Antonio truck accident attorney as soon as possible after the incident to discuss how the next steps to towards recovery.

Common Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents in San Antonio

Human error such as truck driver fatigue causes most car and 18 wheeler accidents in Texas. Truck drivers, for example, may make mistakes such as driving drunk, drowsy or distracted. The city may be liable if poor road conditions caused the accident. Poor road conditions like potholes, broken concrete, uneven surface or road cracks could cause a tire blowout or truck drivers to lose control of the vehicle, which may result in a serious accident. Determining the cause of your truck crash is one of the first steps necessary for bringing a truck accident claim.

What Are Some Common Injuries After a Truck Accident?

Depending on the size, weight, and traveling speed of a truck, the injuries resulting from the accident can have lifelong repercussions on the victim’s life. Some common injuries after accidents with large trucks include:

Broken bones

Spinal cord injuries and paralysis

Traumatic brain injuries



Seat belt injuries

The Law Offices of Maloney & Campolo can help you recover compensation to cover for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages due to time away from work, and other expenses incurred due to the injuries you suffered in the accident.

Schedule a Free Case Consultation With Our Truck Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured in a collision with a truck, our experienced truck accident lawyers are prepared to provide experienced advocacy to recover fair compensation. Our law firm will negotiate with the insurance company and handle the legal process so you can concentrate on recovering from your injuries. Call us or contact us online to discuss the specifics of your case with a truck accident attorney in San Antonio. We work on a contingency fee basis – so you don’t pay us a penny unless we secure a settlement. We represent injury victims in Bexar County and throughout Texas.

To learn more about recovering compensation after a truck accident, contact our San Antonio car accident lawyers.



San Antonio 18-Wheeler Accident Attorney

It should be no surprise that trucking accidents involving 18-Wheeler, or semi-trucks, are more serious, and usually involve serious injuries. However, what many people fail to understand, including experienced local San Antonio truck accident lawyers, is that these types of accidents are also very complex and legally complicated compared to a regular automobile accident.

Table of Contents
Why Are The Trucking Company Representatives So Aggressive?
How Much is My Truck Accident Case Worth?
How Long Will it Take To Settle My Case?
How Much Does it Cost To Hire a Lawyer?
How an Attorney Can Help
Time Limits & Why You Need To Act Quickly
Additional Resources

How Are 18-Wheeler Wreck Cases Different From Car Accident Cases?

There are several factors that make 18-wheeler accidents more complex, including the fact that trucks, and many commercial vehicles, are much larger, and weigh far more than smaller vehicles. This makes them harder to control, and more difficult to stop and maneuver. Regular evasive maneuvers that a small car or truck would have no problems with are nearly impossible for an 18-wheeler.

Because of their massive size, when commercial vehicles and trucks crash, injuries are far more serious, and often result in death or paralysis.
Another factor that makes these cases more complex has to do with the amount of different parties typically involved, there are likely multiple potential defendants, and multiple insurance companies involved. This is because the tractor (truck or 18-wheeler) may be operated by one company, while the trailer and cargo is the responsibility of another company, etc.

These complexities make it much more difficult to assign liability, and to get a clear picture of what really caused the accident which is why it is so important to consider hiring San Antonio 18-wheeler accident lawyer Stacey Barrus if you have been injured in an accident involving an 18-wheeler.

18-wheeler accidents accounted for 107,000 crashes in 2020, and of those crashes 4,965 resulted in a fatality. These current truck accident statistics clearly demonstrate that the likelihood of getting badly injured or killed is dramatically higher for trucking accidents, than for an ordinary car accident.

Why Are the Trucking Company Representatives So Aggressive?

Many times injured victims are surprised at how quickly representatives, investigators, or insurance adjusters for the trucking company arrive at the scene after an 18-wheeler accident. Why are these representatives so aggressive and fast at responding to trucking accidents? Because, with insurance policies that provide millions in insurance coverage, the trucking companies and their insurance carriers have a lot to lose if their driver is found at fault for a serious crash.

This is why trucking companies and their insurance carriers employ every tactic they can to protect their driver and their money. If they can manipulate the situation, remove or tamper with evidence, interview witnesses, and influence law enforcement investigators, they can often shift some (or all) of the blame to the injured person – leaving the injured person or their families with expensive medical bills, car repairs, lost wages, and other bills.

Trucking company insurance companies use these aggressive tactics to either reduce the value of an injured person’s claim or to completely deny payment at all.

That is why it is so important to get an experienced San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorney on your side as quickly as possible after a trucking accident. The trucking company and their team of San Antonio personal injury lawyers and investigators start their investigation immediately after the accident, putting the injured person at an immediate disadvantage.

Another reason that you must have an aggressive trucking accident lawyer working for you quickly is because much of the evidence that you will need to prove your case must be obtained from the trucking company itself – every hour, and every day that passes increases the chance that important evidence will be altered, destroyed, or lost.

How Much is My 18-Wheeler Accident Case Worth?

As noted above an 18-wheeler or semi-truck accident case is very different than your typical automobile accident case. In a semi-truck or 18-wheeler accident, it’s likely that you will be dealing with one or more “commercial” insurance policies. These “commercial” policies, which are required by law, do not have the same rules as the typical automobile policies you may be familiar with.

For one, these policies have much higher policy limits, and are typically a minimum of $1 million dollars. These limits give you much better chances of having ample insurance coverage to pay for the medical treatment, pain and suffering, lost wages, etc. of big rig accident victims. Hopefully your injuries will not require you to utilize the full extent of the insurance policy.

However, when it comes to your specific claim, in most instances, no one will be able to tell you what your semi-truck accident claim is worth until the facts have been gathered, a report has been filed with the San Antonio police department, an investigation is performed, liability has been established, and your medical treatment is completed, and the legal team at our injury law firm have reviewed and evaluated your case.

Why Not Placing A Price Tag On Your Case Right After An Accident Is A Good Thing.

It’s understandable for you to want to know how much your case is worth shortly after your semi-truck accident – especially when considering the desire for justice, and the pressure of mounting medical bills.

But, as time passes, most semi-truck accident victims are thankful that no one placed a dollar amount on their claim initially. This is because of a number of factors:

Victims may not be aware of the full extent of their injuries immediately, or shortly after an accident.

The injured party underestimated the extent and duration of their injuries.

The victim didn’t anticipate the emotional toll the accident would have on their personal life, and the lives of their family members.

The injured person failed to account for the mental and emotional distress that would occur as a result of the accident.

While these are only a few of the many things accident victims may overlook shortly after an 18-wheeler accident, they represent some of the most important aspects of your injury claim. Each of these critical considerations is much more persuasive if presented to an insurance company through documented expert opinion, and medical records rather than speculation immediately following an accident.

One thing that many injured persons fail to realize is that once they sign a release, they are prevented from any future recovery, regardless of whether or not the settlement adequately compensated them for their claims. You should NEVER sign a release before speaking to a truck accident attorney in San Antonio.

This is why it is essential to not place a value on your truck accident claim until AFTER the extent of your injuries have become reasonably clear.

How Long Do 18-Wheeler Accident Cases Typically Take to Settle?

When it comes to the time frame for settling an 18-wheeler accident case, there is only one thing that is certain: Patience can prove to be invaluable. Any San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorney who is honest will tell you the same thing that we tell our clients – “There is simply no way to tell how long your case will take to settle.”

It’s important to remember that building your case will take time. Trying to rush into a settlement, or “make things happen quicker” will only harm your claim, and will usually decrease your compensation.

Texas has more annual 18-wheeler crashes than any other state in the US

How Much Does It Cost To Hire a Lawyer?

Our San Antonio truck accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that if you were injured in an 18-wheeler accident in Bexar County, you NEVER have to pay us up front costs or hourly rates while we work on your case.

This contingent fee arrangement is especially advantageous for our persons injured in Texas 18-wheeler and big rig accidents because truck wreck claims often require outside expert analysis and special investigation, which are expensive, and usually make it cost-prohibitive for an injured person to try and handle the claim on their own.

In short, anyone who contacts our injury law firm will be able to afford our professional services.

How a San Antonio Truck Accident Attorney Can Help You

Because it’s so important to gather crucial evidence soon after the 18-wheeler accident, we start working on building a case the same day that we are contacted by an accident victim.  We move quickly to preserve evidence that is critical to making sure that the true version of the accident is told, rather than the story the trucking company wants to tell.

Our Texas trucking accident attorneys have the skill and experience you need to help you recover the compensation for their injuries following a serious truck accident. One benefit of hiring a team of experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyers in San Antonio is that we handle every aspect of your claim, which allows you to focus on recovering from your injuries, and protecting your family’s well being.

We investigate the accident, gather crucial evidence, negotiate with the trucking company, facilitate a settlement, and if needed, take your case all the way to trial.  Our primary focus is you, the injured person, and we fight to ensure that you are treated fairly by the trucking company and their insurance provider.

Our skilled legal representatives closely manage every aspect of our clients’ cases – From the first phone call until the case is concluded; we are there for you. We pride ourselves on being available to answer questions and provide case updates to our clients so that they fully understand the claim process and what to expect.

5 Major Differences Between 18-Wheeler and Auto Accidents

One questions I get asked a lot is, whether or not “trucking or 18-Wheeler accidents are different from an ordinary car accident?” It’s a common misconception to think that all motor-vehicle accidents are the same. But this simply isn’t the case.

Because of the sheer size and weight of 18-Wheeler semi trucks, the damage to both people and property are far greater than they are in an ordinary auto accident. 5 major differences between these types of accidents are:

Greater Property Damage

More Catastrophic Injuries

Expensive Medical Bills

Increase Chance of Fatality

Complex and Multiple Insurance Policies

Greater Property Damage

An 18-wheeler truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, combine that with the weight of the load they are pulling, and that type of force can cause a significant amount of damage to anything in the truck’s path during a collision.

With the weight and size of a semi-truck being much larger than your standard vehicle the injuries sustained in an accident are also far more serious. Injuries can include back injuries, broken bones, whiplash, traumatic brain injuries, and even death.

Sadly, Texas seems to lead the nation when it comes to trucking accident deaths. According to the National Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA), the states with the most fatalities involving large trucks in 2020 were:

Texas – 622 deaths

California – 384 deaths

Florida – 351 deaths

Georgia – 230 deaths

Illinois – 170 deaths

Tennessee – 165 deaths

More Expensive Medical Bills

Injuries from an 18-Wheeler accident can be far more serious than a typical car accident (especially if they were sustained in a head-on truck accident), meaning the medical bills are typically much higher. With severe injuries, injured people are looking at longer hospital stays, more testing and diagnostics needed, as well as longer recovery time and long periods of time off of work. All of these expenses add up and can put a huge financial strain on injured victims.

Increased Chance of Fatality

As mentioned previously, accidents involving big rigs resulted in 107,864 fatalities or severe injuries in 2017 according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. It is a terrifying fact, but commercial vehicles are more likely to cause death because of the sheer size and weight of the vehicle. It is important to speak with an attorney if you have a loved one that has been killed in a semi-truck accident.

Complex & Multiple Insurance Policies

Because properly maintained 18-wheeler trucks have the ability to cause a great deal of harm on the roadways, they are highly regulated by both state and federal governments. As a result, commercial trucks are required to carry much higher insurance. There are usually multiple different policies involved, and knowing which policies were in effect at the time of a crash, and the inter-play between the insurance policies is very complex.

Why You Need To Act Quickly After A Semi-Truck Accident

If you have been injured in an accident involving an 18-Wheeler (Semi-Truck), the most important thing you need to realize is that you CANNOT treat the accident like just another car crash. The main reason for this is that you must act much more quickly to investigate and document what happened during the crash.

The trucking company and their skilled insurance adjusters and investigators act quickly to get to the scene, secure evidence, and work on telling “their version” of the story. If you don’t have someone doing the same for you as soon after the crash as possible, you run a tremendous risk of being put in a bad situation.

Preserve Evidence

Preserve the Facts

Meet Important Deadlines

Preserve Evidence

After a crash involving a semi-truck, an injured person or their family must act quickly to protect their rights. With insurance policies that are worth millions, the trucking companies and their insurance representatives will employ their most experienced adjusters and investigators to handle the case. These insurance company investigators are fast acting and will often appear at the scene of the accident within hours to gather evidence that can be used to defend their case. In some cases, trucking company investigators have arrived at the scene of a truck crash BEFORE law enforcement investigators. When this occurs, evidence can be removed from the scene, lost, or tampered with. Log books often disappear, truck data computers somehow get “erased” or damaged, and other important evidence can be removed, destroyed or lost.

These insurance company investigators are knowledgeable, and incredibly skilled investigators who will employ a diverse amount of tactics and tricks to try to minimize the damage done by the commercial vehicle. Their primary goal will be to shift the responsibility onto the injured party, making it look like the other person was somehow responsible for the crash instead of the truck driver. Their ONLY job is to reduce the liability of the trucking company, and prevent the insurance company from being responsible for medical bills, lost wages, vehicle repairs, etc.

Your team must also act quickly to get witness statements, including from other drivers, the tow truck driver, bystanders, and even from law enforcement that arrived on the scene first. People move, memories fade, and if you don’t act quickly after an 18-wheeler accident, these important witnesses may be forever lost.

It’s also imperative to examine the 18-wheeler tractor itself, especially with regard to the mechanical condition of the rig to see if lack of maintenance (such as poor brakes or tires), product defects, or other mechanical problems contributed to the crash. Once the truck is repaired or altered, valuable evidence can be forever lost.

Preserve the Facts

Because trucking company investigators often arrive at the scene of a trucking accident so quickly, it’s important that you have your own team of investigators that are prepared to respond rapidly to ensure that the facts surrounding the occurrence are preserved.

Failing to have your own team of skilled investigators can lead to inaccuracies in law enforcement crash reports, which often times get important facts wrong which can make it look like the injured victim contributed to the crash. There are documented occasions when trucking company investigators or their associates have even claimed to be “witnesses” to law enforcement, and have provided statements to the investigating officer that the injured person was to blame for the crash.

If these inaccuracies end up in the crash report required by Texas Transportation Code §550.062, it’s important that you have a knowledgeable team on your side to correct the record, and ensure that the investigation is accurate, and not biased towards the truck driver. Our rapid response team is composed of skilled investigators, accident reconstruction specialists, and attorneys who help to ensure that the evidence and facts are preserved after an 18-wheeler crash.

Important Deadlines & Strict Time Limits (Statute of Limitations)

Texas law dictates that there is a statute of limitation that applies to injury claims. This means that there is limited time during which you can seek compensation for your damages, such as medical bills, lost wages, etc. Also, because many trucking accidents are subject to federal laws, much shorter Statutes of Limitations and notice periods may apply. Waiting too long to bring your claim can prevent you from getting the compensation you need to put your life back to the way it was before you were injured.

You Deserve Strong Legal Representation

Commercial vehicles, like 18-wheelers, are generally owned by wealthy corporations and insured by large insurance companies who can afford to hire a team of legal representatives to fight against and try to prevent payment to injured victims. Whether the crash happened while you were visiting San Antonio, or you live here, call us to learn your rights, get answers to your questions, and discover how to protect your financial future after a truck accident.

Truck Accident Lawyer in San Antonio, Texas

If you or a loved one have been injured as a result of an 18-wheeler accident, contact our San Antonio injury law firm immediately at so we can help you protect what is important to you. Our experienced San Antonio trucking accident attorneys are available to respond to 18-wheeler accidents at any time, day or night.

Our trucking accident lawyers and investigators understand acting quickly to protect and secure evidence is crucial to protecting your claim, and understanding how the accident occurred. Call us now and we will take immediate action to protect your case and your rights – (201) 910-4357.

Some of the locations in San Antonio our Texas law firm serves include: Five Points, Alamo Heights, River Walk, Monte Vista, King William, Lavaca, Alta Vista & Beacon Hill, Castle Hills, Downtown, Southtown, New Braunfels, Olmos Park, Leon Valley, China Grove, Terrell Hills, Balcones Heights, and more.

Additional Resources For Texas 18-Wheeler Accident Victims

5 Things You Must Know About Your Truck Accident Case
Handling a Texas Trucking Accident Case
How Much Does a Truck Accident Lawyer in San Antonio Cost?
How To Stay Safe and Protect Yourself From a Truck Accident
3 Tips For Hiring a Reliable San Antonio Truck Accident Attorney
Truck Accidents in the San Antonio News 2023

In a Truck Wreck?


Cases We Handle

Truck Accidents

18 Wheeler Accidents

Head-On Truck Accidents

Jackknife Truck Accidents

Tractor Trailer Accidents

Commercial Vehicle Accidents

Company Vehicle Accidents

Wide Right Turn Accidents

Truck Rollover Accidents

Brake Defect Accidents

Truck Tire Blowouts

Improperly Loaded Cargo Accidents

Blind Spot Truck Accidents

Underride Accidents

Truck Rollover Accidents

FedEx Truck Accidents

I-35 Semi-Truck Accidents



Truck Accidents in the San Antonio News 2023

Get the help you need today. Contact Us Now!

San Antonio Truck Mishap Legal counselor.

Auto Collisions

Consume Wounds

Transport Mishaps

Devastating Cerebrum Wounds

Legal Claims

Social equality

Bogus Cases ACT

Clinical Misbehavior

Cruiser Mishaps

NURSING HOME Maltreatment

Walker Wounds

Individual INJURY

Drug Case

POLICE Ruthlessness

Item Responsibility


TRUCK Mishaps

Improper Passing

VIEW ALL Training Regions

In the event that you or one of your friends and family has been associated with a mishap with a truck, your decision in legitimate portrayal matters. Try not to take a chance with your right to monetary remuneration by neglecting to talk with a certified, encountered, an accomplished San Antonio truck mishap legal counselor from the Law Workplaces of Maloney and Campolo. Get in touch with us on the web or call us for a free conference. We will assist you with acquiring the remuneration that you merit.

What might Our Lawyers Do With Your Case?

We have more than twenty years of aggregate legitimate insight. Our lawful group utilizes our preliminary abilities and information to the advantage of our clients.

Our law office offers reasonable legitimate portrayal. Notwithstanding free discussions, we don't request front and center legitimate expenses except if we secure a recuperation.

While you're working with our law office, you can be sure that you are being addressed by a group of results-situated litigators who endeavor to get the greatest measure of monetary pay you merit. Our group will attempt to acquire the police report, handle correspondence with insurance agency and will battle for fair remuneration to cover for surprising costs like doctor's visit expenses and lost compensation. Try not to stand by one more second to talk with our own physical issue legal advisors in San Antonio. As empathetic lawful promoters, we stand next to you until a fair outcome is completely given.

ASK OUR TRUCK Mishap Law office

Deciding Obligation

Deficient Items Causing a Mishap

Harms You Can Recuperate

Time Breaking point to Record Mishap Cases

Sorts of Truck Mishaps

Normal Reasons for Truck Mishaps

Normal Wounds

Who Can Be Considered Dependable in a Shipping Mishap?

The individual or element that caused your disaster area might be obligated for your harms. Shipping organizations will be vicariously responsible for the errors of their drivers generally speaking. On the off chance that the enormous apparatus driver was working at the hour of your mishap, the organization will be obligated for the activities of the driver. A shipping organization could be liable for your harms regardless of whether the to blame transporter was a self employed entity at the hour of the disaster area, on account of government risk regulations. The organization could likewise be responsible assuming it added to your mishap straightforwardly. For example, in the event that the organization carelessly permitted a harmed or worn truck to ship products, it very well may be liable for a resulting tire victory mishap. Careless employing in the shipping business and deficient preparation rehearses are likewise normal motivations to expect a shipping organization to take responsibility for a disaster area bringing about private wounds.

Flawed Items Causing a Mishap

Our San Antonio truck mishap lawyers have likewise seen large apparatus mishap cases that include outsider carelessness. We have seen truck mishaps originating from faulty vehicle parts, for instance. Terrible brakes or other truck imperfections could highlight maker risk for harms. Other outsiders that might owe you cash for harms incorporate other traveler vehicle drivers, freight loaders and truck proprietors. An examination of your case by one of our physical issue lawyers can assist you with appointing shortcoming.

What Could I at any point Recuperate With a Case?

Quite possibly of the most often posed inquiry we get at our regulation office is, "How much is my truck mishap guarantee worth?" We realize this is a basic inquiry for families who are encountering monetary difficulties after serious mishaps. We are occupied with individual injury regulation to carry inner serenity to people and families by acquiring them most extreme remuneration for their misfortunes. We know how groundbreaking a recuperation grant can be after a significant truck mishap in San Antonio. A fruitful protection settlement or injury claim can assist you with recuperating the expenses of numerous financial and noneconomic misfortunes.

Clinical costs. All past and future expenses of clinical consideration, remembering stays for the ICU, rescue vehicle charges, medical procedures, rehabilitative consideration, non-intrusive treatment, close to home treatment, drugs and clinical gadgets.

Lost compensation. Everything of pay you lost from being required to remain at home from work while you recuperated from your truck mishap wounds. On the off chance that the accident gave you a long-lasting physical issue, you could likewise recuperate remuneration for lost ability to procure.

Property harm. The sum you should spend to fix your harmed vehicle or supplant an added up to vehicle. Truck mishaps frequently thoroughly impair more modest traveler vehicles, requiring vehicle substitution. You could likewise recuperate the expenses of a rental vehicle.

Torment and languishing. An honor to address your own aggravation and experiencing connected with the truck mishap, including profound trouble, bother, mental misery, post-horrible pressure problem, lost personal satisfaction and loss of consortium.

Reformatory harms. An extra honor that might be accessible assuming the respondent for your situation is at fault for noxiousness, goal to cause the truck mishap or gross carelessness. A reformatory harm grant is a sort of discipline against the litigant.

At the Law Workplaces of Maloney and Campolo, our San Antonio truck mishap legal counselors realize a monetary recuperation isn't all that matters. Notwithstanding, we have likewise seen firsthand the way in which a settlement can change a casualty's life after a serious engine vehicle crash. A fair recuperation can empower you to take care of your bills and push ahead with the monetary security you merit; for instance, it can permit you to pay for the lifetime expenses of a super durable physical issue. Examine your case with us today during a free conference for more data about its likely worth.

Do I Have a Case?

You might have justification for a 18-wheeler mishap case in the event that your lawyer can demonstrate the respondent owed you an obligation of care, penetrated this obligation and caused your mishap. These are the four primary components fundamental for a truck mishap claim in Texas. Your semi-truck mishap legal counselor should demonstrate these components in view of a vast majority of proof: your case is bound to be valid than false. A semi-truck mishap guarantee could be the response to subsidizing your mishap related medical services expenses and property harm costs. All the more significantly, it could give you equity after a horrible mishap. An effective shipping mishap case could reveal insight into hazardous shipping organization rehearses locally. It could compel the organization to meaningfully alter the manner in which it handles truck and driver wellbeing, possibly forestalling future mishaps. Holding a physical issue lawyer with heavy transport mishap experience can work on your chances of accomplishing positive case results.

Legal time limit to Record a Truck Mishap Claim

In the event that you've been harmed in a truck mishap and wish to document a claim, your open door is restricted. Each state, including Texas, has legal time limits that control how much time a harmed casualty needs to record a physical issue claim. The reason for these regulations is to keep individuals from getting some margin to document claims, assisting with making a more productive general set of laws.

As per Texas Common Practice and Cures Code segment 16.003, you will have something like a long time from the date of your truck mishap to document an individual physical issue guarantee, by and large. Two years is the cutoff time in Texas on all private injury and property harm claims. Be that as it may, this cutoff time might be somewhat longer or more limited in unique cases.

In the event that the casualty didn't find their physical issue immediately: a long time from the date of disclosure.

In the event that the casualty is a minor younger than 18: two years from the date of the casualty's eighteenth

On the off chance that documenting an unfair passing claim: a long time from the date of the cherished one's demise.

In the event that the litigant is an administration element: a half year from the date of the mishap.

Except if an exemption for the standard applies, in the event that you stand by longer than your cutoff time to record a case, the courts in San Antonio will won't hear your case. The courts view legal time limits extremely in a serious way. Continuously act rapidly after a business vehicle mishap. Brief legitimate activity can guarantee you protect your entitlement to record a physical issue or property harm claim in Texas.

Sorts of Truck Mishaps

Trucks can gauge as much as 80,000 pounds, regardless of whether a truck is going at low velocities, an impact can bring about serious or deadly wounds. Transporters have diminished perceivability contrasted with vehicles, they need extensively additional opportunity to stop and their gravity place makes it more straightforward for them to turn over contrasted with other engine vehicles. A few normal sorts of business truck mishaps include:

Folding blade mishaps

Peruse end impacts

Truck rollovers

Underride mishaps

Tire victories

Regardless of what kind of truck mishap you were engaged with, contact a San Antonio truck mishap lawyer as quickly as time permits after the episode to examine how the subsequent stages to towards recuperation.

Normal Reasons for Semi-Truck Mishaps in San Antonio

Human mistake, for example, transporter exhaustion causes most vehicle and 18 wheeler mishaps in Texas. Transporters, for instance, may commit errors like driving alcoholic, sluggish or diverted. The city might be responsible on the off chance that unfortunate street conditions caused the mishap. Unfortunate street conditions like potholes, broken concrete, lopsided surface or street breaks could make a tire victory or transporters fail to keep a grip on the vehicle, which might bring about a serious mishap. Deciding the reason for your truck crash is one of the initial steps vital for bringing a truck mishap guarantee.

What Are A few Normal Wounds After a Truck Mishap?

Contingent upon the size, weight, and voyaging rate of a truck, the wounds coming about because of the mishap can have deep rooted repercussions on the casualty's life. A few normal wounds later

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