Reasonover Law Firm provides free case evaluations to find out if you have a valid construction accident suit or claim. If you do, we will help determine who is at fault and steer you through the complicated legal process.

An experienced Construction Accident Lawyer does not guarantee any particular outcome, but will do everything possible to get the maximum compensation (current and future) for the following:

Medical expenses

Lost wages

Property damage

Pain and suffering

Burial and funeral expenses


Request a FREE case evaluation below or call your Nashville Construction Accident Lawyer at 615-241-0405 today!

Name *



Email *


Describe Your Accident or Injury



According to OSHA, construction site injuries are most frequently caused by what they call “the fatal four,” comprised of falls, a person being struck by an object, electrocutions, or a person being caught in or between equipment or a structure.

When injuries and deaths occur on construction sites, OSHA will often initiate an investigation to determine the cause of the accident and further determine if the employer(s) committed any OSHA safety violations. If safety violations are discovered, then the employer(s) working on the construction site are subject to penalties and fines.


Some of the most common injuries on construction sites include:

Broken bones



Back and neck injuries


More serious injuries, some of which can be life altering, include:

Traumatic brain injuries

Spinal cord injuries and paralysis

Loss of limb

Permanent loss of hearing or vision

Organ damage from penetrating injuries

Wrongful death


Failure to provide or use proper fall protection equipment

Hazard communication standards

Scaffolding violations

Respiratory protection violations

Hazardous energy control violations

Powered industrial truck safety issues

Ladder safety violations

Machinery and machine guarding violations

Electrical wiring methods, components and equipment violations

Electrical systems violations






We focus on protecting the rights of clients who have sustained injuries and/or suffered disabilities, whether at the hands of negligent individuals or at work. We have extensive experience in pursuing personal injury compensation, workers’ compensation, and Social Security disability claims. We are tough. We are compassionate. We are caring. And we will fight for your rights.


2323 21st Avenue South
Suite 306
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone: 615-241-0405
Fax: 615-523-1962

• Free Parking
• Handicap Access
• Elevator Access



Jule Reasonover

Associate Attorneys

Client Reviews

Practice Areas

Car Accidents

Pedestrian Accidents

Truck Accidents

Wrongful Death

Construction Accidents

Brain Injuries

Burn Injuries

Premises Liability

Workers’ Compensation

Social Security Disability


A Delivery Driver Hit Me, What Are My Options?

How An Attorney Will Protect You in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

What You Need To Know About Workers’ Compensation

What Is Social Security Disability? And Why Do I need a Lawyer?

Wrongful Death Litigation Process in Nashville


Auto Accidents (31)

Bicycle Accidents (2)

Brain Injuries (2)

Burn Injuries (1)

Construction Accidents (2)

Pedestrian Accidents (2)

Personal Injury (46)

Premises Liability (4)

Social Security Disability (5)

Success Stories (1)

Truck Accidents (4)

Workers' Compensation (7)

Wrongful Death (7)

© 2018-2022

Columbia Personal Injury Lawyer > Columbia Personal Injury > Columbia Construction Accident Lawyer


Working in construction is obviously more hazardous than sitting in an office building. However, this does not mean that construction workers should be subjected to needlessly unsafe, dangerous, or unhealthy workplace conditions. Here at The Stanley Law Group, our Columbia construction accident lawyers help injured construction workers file for workers’ compensation benefits as well as personal injury claims against their employers. A personal injury claim will drastically increase the amount of money that your employer is forced to pay in terms of compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, and emotional distress.

Construction is Dangerous, But Does it Have to Be?

One out of five workplace fatalities is in the construction sector, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA). While 20 percent of fatalities occur in construction jobs, the construction sector employs just 7.5 million workers—about five percent of the entire U.S. workforce, according to Statista and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Many of these fatalities and tens of thousands of serious injuries are caused by employers taking shortcuts to save time and money at the expense of their employees’ well being. Failing to provide proper safety equipment, exposure to toxic substances, electrocution accidents, and falls from height are just a few examples of potential employer negligence that could lead to a lawsuit.

What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover?

Unless your employer has violated South Carolina law and has not purchased workers’ compensation insurance or kept up to date with their premiums, you are covered by workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is no-fault coverage that provides payment of full medical expenses as well as partial wage replacement. There are pros and cons to workers’ compensation. One pro is that it covers you regardless of fault. One of the major cons is that it prevents employees from being able to sue their employers directly, thus eliminating pain and suffering, full wage replacement, loss of joy of life, and other “non economic” damages. There is an exception to this rule, however. If an employer has violated safety codes or has engaged in egregious conduct, a personal injury lawsuit can be brought against them.

Why a Personal Injury Claim on Top of Workers’ Compensation is the Best Option

Only when employers intentionally cause a construction worker to be injured, violate safety regulations, or carry out an egregious act can an employee sue. If a lawsuit can be brought against the employer, you can collect workers’ compensation benefits as well as the following:

Pain and suffering;

Full lost wages and lost future earning capacity;

Loss of joy of life;

Emotional distress;

Payment for medical expenses outside of your employer’s insurance provider network (you can choose a doctor of your own liking); and


A Construction Accident Attorney is Here to Help

Whether you are a construction worker injured on the job or you were injured on site but not an employee of the construction company, you have the right to seek financial compensation. The Columbia construction accident attorneys at The Stanley Law Group can help you get started today. Feel free to call 803-799-4700  at your soonest convenience to schedule a free consultation.





















*No fee if no recovery. Fees computed before deducting expenses from recovery. "We don’t get paid until you get paid” or similar language refers only to fees charged by the attorney. Court costs and other additional expenses of legal action usually must be paid by the client. Contingent attorneys' fees refers only to those fees charged by attorneys for their legal services. Contingent fees are not permitted in all types of cases.

Any result the lawyer or law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients. Verdicts, awards, and total recoveries presented reflect gross numbers, before attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses are deducted.

Cases are handled by a lawyer at The Stanley Law Group, P.A., who primarily practice out of our office in Columbia, SC at 1418 Park Street, Columbia, SC. An attorney, investigator, or a representative of the firm may visit you anywhere in SC for initial investigations in many circumstances.

DISCLAIMER: Information on this website is not legal advice. Reviewing the information on this website does not create an attorney-client relationship with the law firm. Nothing presented on this website reflects an endorsement by the U.S. Government or any branch of the military. Cases are handled by a lawyer at The Stanley Law Group, P.A., who primarily practice out of our office in Columbia at 1418 Park Street, Columbia, SC. The attorney, investigator, or a representative of the firm may visit you anywhere in SC for initial investigations in many circumstances. Mark B. Stanley licensed in SC & FL. H. Ronald Stanley licensed in SC. No fee if no recovery. Fees computed before deducting expenses from recovery. "We don’t get paid until you get paid” or similar language refers only to fees charged by the attorney. Court costs and other additional expenses of legal action usually must be paid by the client. Contingent attorneys' fees refers only to those fees charged by attorneys for their legal services. Contingent fees are not permitted in all types of cases. Any result the lawyer or law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in one matter does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients. Verdicts, awards, and total recoveries presented reflect gross numbers, before attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses are deducted.

Development Mishap Attorney

Development Mishap SETTLEMENT


Reasonover Law office gives free case assessments to see whether you have a substantial development mishap suit or case. On the off chance that you do, we will assist with figuring out who is to blame and control you through the confounded lawful interaction.

An accomplished Development Mishap Attorney ensures no specific result, however will do all that could be within reach to get the most extreme remuneration (current and future) for the accompanying:

Clinical costs

Lost compensation

Property harm

Agony and languishing

Internment and burial service costs

FREE CASE Assessment

Demand a FREE case assessment underneath or call your Nashville Development Mishap Legal counselor at 615-241-0405 today!

Name *



Email *


Portray Your Mishap or Injury


Building SITE Risk

As per OSHA, building site wounds are most often brought about by what they call "the deadly four," contained falls, an individual being struck by an item, electric shocks, or an individual being trapped in or between hardware or a construction.

At the point when wounds and passings happen on building destinations, OSHA will frequently start an examination to decide the reason for the mishap and further decide whether the employer(s) serious any OSHA security infringement. On the off chance that security infringement are found, the employer(s) chipping away at the building site are dependent upon punishments and fines.

Normal Wounds ON Building Destinations

Probably the most well-known wounds on building destinations include:

Broken bones



Back and neck wounds


More serious wounds, some of which can be life changing, include:

Horrible cerebrum wounds

Spinal line wounds and loss of motion

Loss of appendage

Super durable loss of hearing or vision

Organ harm from infiltrating wounds

Illegitimate demise

TOP 10 MOST Often Refered to Somewhere safe Infringement

Inability to give or utilize appropriate fall security gear

Danger correspondence norms

Framework infringement

Respiratory security infringement

Dangerous energy control infringement

Fueled modern truck security issues

Stepping stool wellbeing infringement

Apparatus and machine protecting infringement

Electrical wiring strategies, parts and hardware infringement

Electrical frameworks infringement

Individual INJURY

Laborers' Remuneration

Government backed retirement Inability


NASHVILLE'S BEST Development Mishap Attorney

We center around safeguarding the privileges of clients who have supported wounds and additionally endured inabilities, whether on account of careless people or at work. We have broad involvement with chasing after private injury pay, laborers' remuneration, and Government backed retirement handicap claims. We are intense. We are merciful. We are mindful. Furthermore, we will battle for your freedoms.


2323 21st Road South

Suite 306

Nashville, TN 37212

Telephone: 615-241-0405

Fax: 615-523-1962

• Free Stopping

• Handicap Access

• Lift Access



Jule Reasonover

Partner Lawyers

Client Surveys

Practice Regions

Auto Collisions

Passerby Mishaps

Truck Mishaps

Illegitimate Demise

Development Mishaps

Mind Wounds

Consume Wounds

Premises Risk

Laborers' Remuneration

Government backed retirement Handicap


A Conveyance Driver Hit Me, What Are My Choices?

How A Lawyer Will Safeguard You in an Improper Passing Claim

What You Really want To Be aware of Laborers' Pay

What Is Government managed retirement Inability? What's more, For what reason Do I want a Legal counselor?

Illegitimate Passing Case Cycle in Nashville

BLOG Classifications

Car Crashes (31)

Bike Mishaps (2)

Mind Wounds (2)

Consume Wounds (1)

Development Mishaps (2)

Passerby Mishaps (2)

Individual Injury (46)

Premises Risk (4)

Government backed retirement Incapacity (5)

Examples of overcoming adversity (1)

Truck Mishaps (4)

Laborers' Remuneration (7)

Illegitimate Passing (7)

© 2018-2022

Columbia Individual Injury Attorney > Columbia Individual Injury > Columbia Development Mishap Legal advisor

COLUMBIA Development Mishap Attorney

Working in development is clearly more dangerous than sitting in a place of business. Nonetheless, this doesn't imply that development laborers ought to be exposed to unnecessarily perilous, hazardous, or unfortunate working environment conditions. Around here at The Stanley Regulation Gathering, our Columbia development mishap legal counselors assist harmed development laborers with petitioning for laborers' pay benefits as well as private injury claims against their bosses. An individual physical issue guarantee will radically expand how much cash that your boss is compelled to pay regarding remuneration for your wounds, torment and enduring, lost compensation, and close to home misery.

Development is Perilous, However Does it Need to Be?

One out of five working environment fatalities is in the development area, as per the Word related Security and Wellbeing Administration(OSHA). While 20% of fatalities happen in development occupations, the development area utilizes simply 7.5 million laborers — around five percent of the whole U.S. labor force, as per Statista and the Agency of Work Insights. A considerable lot of these fatalities and a huge number of serious wounds are brought about by managers pursuing faster routes to set aside time and cash to the detriment of their representatives' prosperity. Neglecting to give legitimate wellbeing gear, openness to poisonous substances, electric shock mishaps, and tumbles from level are only a couple of instances of potential business carelessness that could prompt a claim.

What Does Laborers' Remuneration Cover?

Except if your manager has disregarded South Carolina regulation and has not bought laborers' remuneration insurance or stayed up with the latest with their installments, you are covered by laborers' pay. Laborers' remuneration is no-shortcoming inclusion that gives installment of full clinical costs as well as halfway compensation substitution. There are advantages and disadvantages to laborers' remuneration. One expert is that it covers you paying little heed to blame. One of the significant cons is that it keeps workers from having the option to sue their bosses straightforwardly, subsequently taking out agony and enduring, full compensation substitution, loss of delight of life, and other "non monetary" harms. There is a special case for this standard, nonetheless. On the off chance that a business has disregarded security codes or has taken part in grievous lead, an individual physical issue claim can be brought against them.

Why an Individual Physical issue Guarantee on Top of Laborers' Remuneration is the Most ideal Choice

Just when managers deliberately make a development specialist be harmed, disregard security guidelines, or complete a grievous demonstration might a worker at any point sue. On the off chance that a claim can be brought against the business, you can gather laborers' pay benefits as well as the accompanying:

Agony and languishing;

Full lost wages and lost future procuring limit;

Loss of delight of life;

Profound pain;

Installment for clinical costs beyond your boss' protection supplier organization (you can pick your very own specialist preferring); and


A Development Mishap Lawyer is Here to Help

Whether you are a development specialist harmed at work or you were harmed nearby yet not a representative of the development organization, you reserve the privilege to look for monetary pay. The Columbia development mishap lawyers at The Stanley Regulation Gathering can assist you with beginning today. Go ahead and call 803-799-4700 as soon as possible to plan a free discussion.


Auto Crashes

TRUCK and Heavy transport Mishaps

SLIP and FALL Mishaps

Cruiser Mishaps


Walker Mishaps

Development Mishaps

Unjust Passing

Drifting Mishaps

Bike Mishaps

Sulked Mishaps

Clinical Misbehavior

WATER Defilement

PREMISES Responsibility


Item Responsibility




*No expense if no recuperation. Charges figured prior to deducting costs from recuperation. "We don't get compensated until you get compensated" or comparative language alludes just to expenses charged by the lawyer. Court costs and other extra costs of lawful activity generally should be paid by the client. Contingent lawyers' expenses alludes just to those expenses charged by lawyers for their legitimate administrations. Contingent charges are not allowed in that frame of mind of cases.

Any outcome the legal advisor or law office might have accomplished for clients in a single matter doesn't be guaranteed to demonstrate comparable outcomes can be gotten for different clients. Decisions, grants, and absolute recuperations introduced reflect gross numbers, before lawyers' charges, expenses and costs are deducted.

Cases are taken care of by a legal counselor at The Stanley Regulation Gathering, P.A., who principally practice out of our office in Columbia, SC at 1418 Park Road, Columbia, SC. A lawyer, examiner, or a delegate of the firm might visit you anyplace in SC for starting examinations as a rule.

DISCLAIMER: Data on this site isn't legitimate counsel. Evaluating the data on this site doesn't make a lawyer client relationship with the law office. Nothing introduced on this site mirrors an underwriting by the U.S. Government or any part of the military. Cases are taken care of by a legal counselor at The Stanley Regulation Gathering, P.A., who fundamentally practice out of our office in Columbia at 1418 Park Road, Columbia, SC. The lawyer, specialist, or a delegate of the firm might visit you anyplace in SC for beginning examinations much of the time. Mark B. Stanley authorized in SC and FL. H. Ronald Stanley authorized in SC. No charge if no recuperation. Charges processed prior to deducting costs from recuperation. "We don't get compensated until you get compensated" or comparable language alludes just to expenses charged by the lawyer. Court costs and other extra costs of legitimate activity typically should be paid by the client. Contingent lawyers' expenses alludes just to those expenses charged by lawyers for their legitimate administrations. Contingent expenses are not pe

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