18-wheeler accident lawyers


18-wheeler accident lawyers

When you get in a crash involving a large vehicle, your property damage and personal injuries are likely to be severe. In this case, you may be entitled to compensation. An 18-wheeler accident lawyer will work with you to obtain multiple compensation benefits, so you can rebuild your life alongside loved ones and without financial stress.

18-wheeler accidents are especially dangerous due to the size of these vehicles, which can weigh up to 80,000 pounds, according to regulations by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles. Given their large size, these trucks can cause an increased risk of catastrophic and even fatal injuries during a crash. According to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation, an average of 5,000 people are killed and 115,000 are injured each year in crashes involving 18-wheelers. 

For a victim of this type of accident to get fair compensation, it’s almost always necessary to negotiate with powerful insurance companies that aim to defend the interests of their investors. Often victims are left unprotected when insurers deny them compensation or pay them as little as possible.

Many people who suffer traffic accidents wonder if they can sue on their own without a lawyer. In truth, it’s almost impossible to win these types of cases without the advice of an expert lawyer, as insurance companies have generous financial and technical resources to undermine victims’ claims. Unfortunately, many victims lose their right to be compensated by not hiring legal help or by choosing a law firm that’s inexperienced in fighting insurance companies. 

To receive compensation, victims of large truck accidents should seek the expertise of a legal team specializing in traffic accidents, such as George Salinas Injury Lawyers. We’ll work to build a strong case that conclusively proves that the other driver was at fault. To prove this, it’s necessary to gather evidence and engage specialists from different fields, such as investigation, medicine and mechanics. Typical evidence collected during this process includes: 

Eyewitness accounts

Videographic material 

Medical reports

Reports on manufacture, design or maintenance defects

Contrary to popular belief, hiring experienced traffic accident lawyers isn’t expensive. In fact, victims don’t have to pay out of pocket at any time. In cases involving personal injury, lawyers almost always work under a payment method known in the legal world as “contingency fees.” This means that the law firm covers all expenses and in exchange keeps a small percentage of the final compensation – but only if they win. If the lawyer doesn’t win the case, the victim doesn’t have to pay for their services.

Have you or a loved one gotten in an accident involving a large vehicle? At George Salinas Injury Lawyers, we’re experts at winning compensation benefits for our clients, which let them rebuild their lives alongside their families and without financial stress.

Contact us by calling 210-225-0909 or filling out this form to schedule a free consultation, where we’ll explain the different legal options for your case. Our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident lawyers will fight to get you justice.

How can our 18-wheeler accident lawyers in San Antonio help you?

In addition to the pain of their injuries, victims and their families must face several difficult questions after an accident:

How am I going to pay for all the hospital bills, medications, doctor appointments and rehabilitation sessions?

What’s going to happen to me and my family if the accident prevents me from working?

Who’s going to reimburse me for all my lost wages?

Can I sue if my immigration status is unclear?

To get started, our large truck accident attorneys at George Salinas Injury Lawyers can help clarify your doubts:

As your attorneys, we’ll seek various compensation benefits to cover all your medical expenses now and in the future, as well as reimbursement for lost wages if you’re unable to work due to your injuries.

If the injuries you suffered as a result of the accident have caused you emotional and psychological damages, such as distress, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder, we’ll also seek financial compensation for this.

It doesn’t matter what your immigration status is. If you’ve suffered an accident due to someone else’s negligence, Texas law protects you. You’re entitled to compensation to help rebuild your life.

At George Salinas Injury Lawyers, we’ll fight for justice while also ensuring the privacy of your personal information.

In addition to answering your questions, our large commercial vehicle accident attorneys at George Salinas Injury Lawyers will study the specifics of your case and outline a plan of action to build a winning compensation claim.

Our #1 priority is always your health. That’s why our work also includes making sure that you’re attended by the finest medical team, as insurers often seek to impose their own doctors and hospitals, even if they’re not the best.

Once we’ve guaranteed that your health is in good hands, we’ll take the necessary actions to win your case while you focus your energies on recovering alongside your loved ones. Some of the steps we’ll take include the following:


We’ll go to the scene of the accident, so our crash experts can reconstruct the events and get the most accurate information possible about what happened. 


We’ll identify possible eyewitnesses of the accident and speak with them to record their testimonies.


We’ll examine the surrounding area of the accident scene to search for public or private surveillance cameras that may have recorded what happened. If found, we’ll manage getting access to these recordings.


We’ll find and gather evidence to prove that the driver’s behavior was negligent. This sometimes requires the aid of technology experts, who perform complex and specialized work, such as tracking the other driver’s phone to prove he was texting when the accident happened (in the case of distracted driving).


Based on all the evidence gathered, we’ll build a solid case and seek fair compensation. Normally, this demand must be made to the insurance company representing the at-fault driver, which involves a negotiation process. In the event that negotiations fail to produce a beneficial settlement for the victim, the case may have to be taken to court and resolved at trial.


We’ll engage in transparent and honest dialogue with you about the different legal options that arise during negotiations in order to jointly make the best decisions.

If you were the victim of a truck accident, you can’t risk leaving your case in the hands of an inexperienced law firm. At George Salinas Injury Lawyers, we’re here to help. We’re one of the most prestigious law firms in San Antonio. Our work is defined by legal excellence, extraordinary negotiation skills and tailored services provided by warm, friendly and Spanish-speaking professionals.

Common types of large commercial vehicle accidents

18-wheeler accidents often result in victims suffering serious, even catastrophic or fatal injuries. In an effort to prevent these types of incidents, the Texas Department of Transportation studies the most common types of large commercial vehicle accidents each year. Here are the top eight types:

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Jackknife accidents

Most 18-wheelers are made up of two parts: a trailer and a cab. Jackknife accidents happen when these parts become misaligned and the driver loses control of the vehicle, often rolling over. It usually happens when accelerating on a curve or when tires skid on a wet road.

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Flat tires

A large truck tire weighs an average of 100 pounds, so when it goes flat, the stability of the entire vehicle is at risk. Not only is there a risk of rollover, but the tire may become dislodged and impact other cars or even pedestrians.

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Wide turns

When a large truck makes a sharp turn, such as a U-turn, it must first turn in the opposite direction to make enough space to turn without risking stability. However, if the driver doesn’t notice vehicles in the next lane when making this wide turn, it’s possible to crash into them.

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Multiple blind spots

All vehicles have blind spots that drivers can’t see in their mirrors, especially when vehicles are located on either side. When it comes to 18-wheelers, these blind spots are multiplied and drivers must be very careful before turning or changing lanes.

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Rear-end collisions

Rear-end collisions are among the most common road accidents. They occur when a vehicle brakes and the vehicle behind it can’t brake in time and ends up colliding into it. For cars, these types of accidents don’t often have major consequences. However, when the striking vehicle is an 18-wheeler, the consequences can be very serious. To avoid this type of accident, drivers should keep in mind that it can take a large truck up to six seconds to come to a complete stop.

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Falling cargo

Often 18-wheelers have a commercial purpose and transport heavy loads from one town to another. Companies are obliged to ensure that these loads are properly positioned and not in danger of falling if the vehicle were to brake abruptly or make a wide turn. However, sometimes the cargo isn’t properly loaded and poses a potential hazard to nearby vehicles if the truck were to crash or overturn. In addition, large trucks sometimes carry gas or other flammable substances that risk causing a fire when spilled.

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Head-on collisions

One of the most devastating traffic accidents occurs when two vehicles collide head-on. If one of the vehicles involved is a large truck, it’s likely that the injuries will be catastrophic or fatal. These accidents usually occur when one of the drivers engages in an act of gross negligence, such as drunk driving or running a red light. However, gross negligence can also occur on the part of the company. For example, if the head-on collision occurs due to a lack of maintenance on the truck.

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T-bone crashes

These collisions occur when the front of one vehicle strikes the side of another. They occur very frequently at intersections where a smaller avenue joins a larger one, or those with multiple streets. (In these cases, the fault may lie with the authority in charge of maintaining these streets, i.e. if the signage isn’t clear.)

Top causes of large truck accidents

Due to their size, large trucks require a high degree of technical expertise by their drivers. Companies are required to train drivers and verify that they have the capacity to drive the vehicle they have been assigned. Yet, not all accidents occur due to a lack of driving skills, but also other causes:

1. Speeding

Speeding is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents. Drivers of large trucks often have very tight schedules to deliver goods by a certain deadline. If their schedule is delayed for any reason, the driver may be tempted to try to go faster, even if it means exceeding speed limits and putting other vehicles and pedestrians at risk.

Fortunately, many large trucks have built-in technology where repeatedly exceeding the speed limit automatically shuts down the vehicle’s engine.

2. Distracted driving

Many drivers of large trucks have to travel long distances every day and often suffer from boredom. To combat this, they often turn to auditory entertainment, such as music, podcasts, radio programs or audio books, which they tune into via their mobile devices, causing them to take their eyes off the road.

Other common distracted driving behaviors involve checking GPS routes, eating, drinking, smoking or applying makeup. To prevent distracted driving accidents, it’s recommended to complete these actions when the vehicle is stopped.

3. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

As a central nervous system depressant, alcohol slows down the movements of consumers and impacts their ability to react. When driving a large truck, alcohol becomes a very dangerous substance that can cause a tragedy.

That’s why the law is particularly severe with drivers who don’t comply with this rule. Likewise, the law obliges companies to carry out in-depth investigations on their drivers’ backgrounds to rule out the possibility that they suffer from alcoholism.

4. Reckless driving

To get from one place to another more quickly and meet ambitious timetables, 18-wheeler drivers often adopt reckless driving behaviors, which can range from driving too close to the vehicles in front of them to changing lanes abruptly or without proper signaling.

5. Extreme weather

In extreme weather, drivers must take extreme precautions. It’s not enough to respect speed limits. In addition, they should adopt other preventive measures, such as driving with their flashers on and even stopping the vehicle if weather conditions become extreme.

Examples of extreme weather include heavy rain, strong winds or snowfalls that impact drivers’ visibility and make roads slippery by coating them with mud, sand, water and/or ice.

6. Poorly maintained streets or highways

When driving a large truck on a highway, any malfunction on the road can lead to an accident. Consider that these types of vehicles can take several seconds to reach full stop, especially when loaded, which limits the driver’s ability to react to potholes, obstacles and other poor road conditions.

In these cases, the blame for an accident may fall on the authority responsible for ensuring road maintenance and safety.

7. Mechanical failure

Sometimes the cause of the accident has nothing to do with a traffic violation. Instead, the incident may be due to some kind of defect in the design, manufacture or maintenance of one of the vehicles.

In the case of large trucks, companies have a direct responsibility to ensure that their vehicles are in top roadworthy condition.

8. Animals crossing the road

Many highways in Texas cross areas with a high density of animal life. This sometimes causes different animals to cross the road, including squirrels, dogs and larger animals such as cows, deer and horses.

A driver’s natural reaction when this happens is to turn the steering wheel sharply to avoid hitting the animal, which can cause an accident with vehicles in nearby lanes.

9. Truck driver fatigue

Companies have a legal obligation to provide their drivers with rest periods in order to prevent them from becoming fatigued at the wheel.

In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has identified a condition known as “truck driver fatigue” that occurs when a driver has been subjected to long days behind the wheel. Fatigue causes a drastic decrease in reflexes (equivalent to having a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08, which is twice the permitted level).

Common injuries sustained by victims of 18-wheeler accidents

Motor vehicle accidents can cause a wide range of injuries for victims. The severity of these injuries tends to increase when one of the vehicles involved is large. Here are common injuries suffered by victims of large truck crashes.

Spinal cord injuries (these can lead to catastrophic injuries associated with different types of paralysis, such as paraplegia or quadriplegia)

Traumatic brain injuries

Rib and bone fractures



Internal bleeding

Whiplash and neck injuries

Injuries to abdomen, chest, legs, arms, elbows and knees


Recommendations to prevent large truck accidents

As part of a campaign to prevent traffic accidents, the Texas Department of Insurance published a report detailing these five recommendations to prevent drivers from adopting reckless driving behaviors.

Store all mobile devices out of view as soon as you get in the car.

Pull over to handle any emergency on your phone, if needed.

Study the fastest route before getting into the car, so you can avoid checking the GPS app while driving.

Stop and seek medical attention, if you feel fatigued at the wheel.

Limit the number of passengers in your vehicle whenever possible.

What steps should you take after a large truck accident?

After suffering any traffic accident, the #1 priority should be the victim’s health. The first thing you should do is call an ambulance to receive specialized medical attention (and be hospitalized if your injuries require it).

Once medical attention has been received, the victim should take the following actions to help win their compensation case:

1. Call an attorney at George Salinas Injury Lawyers at 210-225-0909.

2. Avoid any contact with insurance company agents (don’t sign or declare anything).

3. Never say you’re okay (some injuries take hours or days to manifest).

4. Ask for the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the people involved in the accident, as well as possible eyewitnesses.

5. Take photographs of your injuries and the vehicles involved.

6. Request a copy of the police report from the officers who arrived at the accident scene (you can track it online here).

How much money can you get if you win an 18-wheeler accident case?

The amount of compensation that traffic accident victims may receive usually depends on two factors:

The severity of injuries

The estimated recovery time

The more serious the injuries (and thus the longer the recovery time), the higher the compensation tends to be. To calculate a fair amount, experienced personal injury lawyers usually take into account the following benefits:

Coverage of any medical expenses (from hospitalization to medications and doctor’s fees)

Reimbursement of lost wages if the victim is unable to work due to their injuries

Funeral expenses (in the event of the victim’s death)

Compensation for emotional and psychological injuries

Contact our 18-wheeler accident lawyers

Have you or a loved one gotten in an accident involving a large vehicle? At George Salinas Injury Lawyers, we’re experts at winning compensation benefits for our clients, which let them rebuild their lives alongside their families and without financial stress.

Contact us by calling 210-225-0909 or filling out this form to schedule a free consultation, where we’ll explain the different legal options for your case. Our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident lawyers will fight to get you justice.


How long do large truck accident lawyers have to file for compensation?

What should you do if you can’t come to our offices because you’re hospitalized?

Why is George Salinas Injury Lawyers your best option?


San Antonio 



The Fight For Justice Begins Here


6243 IH-10 West, Suite 955San Antonio, TX 78201

































Were you or a loved one injured or killed in a recent 18-wheeler accident? The problem with 18-wheeler accidents is they cause terrible damage to the people and property around them. The accidents are frequently caused by the driver behind the wheel, and other people pay the price for this negligence. If your property was damaged or you were injured in an 18-wheeler accident, it’s essential to call a San Antonio 18 wheeler lawyer as soon as possible.

There are plenty of 18-wheelers in and around San Antonio. These vehicles keep our economy moving, but they can cause serious injuries in the event of an accident. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident with a large truck, the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS is here to help. Our San Antonio 18-wheeler accident attorneys will work to secure the compensation you deserve.


After an incident as severe as a San Antonio 18-wheeler accident, seek assistance from a personal injury attorney that has the trust of the community. The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS is ready to help. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

We focus exclusively on personal injury law so that you can count on our extensive and specialized knowledge in semi-truck accident cases.

We have a 99% success rate and have secured more than $500 million in compensation for our clients through successful verdicts and settlement negotiations.

We take all San Antonio 18-wheeler cases on a contingency fee basis. This means you do not owe us any legal fees until after we secure the compensation you are entitled to.


Semi-truck drivers are often hired by large trucking companies that put together strong legal teams to protect their bottom line. The less they pay out in claims, the more money they keep. You need a team of attorneys with experience fighting these large companies.

The Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS is a San Antonio truck accident based legal team of compassionate and hard-working lawyers. We boast a long and proud history of representing clients injured by 18-wheeler accidents. We provide a nurturing and encouraging atmosphere because we understand that 18-wheeler accidents often result in serious trauma, injury or death. Even if a driver is thrown behind bars for driving drunk or endangering people’s lives, you don’t get payment or reimbursement for your medical bills or property damage without going through the claim or litigation process.

We work tirelessly to ensure that the insurance companies or truck company pays for their negligence. Your fight against a negligent driver is more than a call for money. It’s a way to protect your family and fellow Texans from these types of negligent drivers in the future.

When you get in an 18-wheeler accident you may be forced to pay for long-term medical care and even rehabilitation. Not to mention there’s a good chance you miss work and lose out on essential wages.


According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a fully-loaded 18-wheeler can weigh as much as 80,000 pounds. Serious accidents can occur when these trucks collide with traditional passenger vehicles. During the latest reporting year in the US, there were more than 4,900 people killed and approximately 151,000 people injured in large truck crashes.

According to the Texas DOT, during the latest reporting year in the state, semi-trucks were involved in:

465 fatal crashes

786 suspected serious injury crashes

2,530 suspected non-incapacitating injury crashes

3,406 possible injury crashes


The San Antonio 18-wheeler truck accident lawyers at the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS regularly help clients who have sustained the following in an incident:

Broken or dislocated bones

Severe lacerations or amputations

Internal organ damage

Internal bleeding

Traumatic brain injuries

Spinal cord injuries

18 wheeler accidents are often caused by the careless actions of the truck driver. This can include drivers failing to abide by regulations pertaining to how many hours they can operate daily, leading to driving while fatigued. There are also times when drivers operate while distracted or while impaired by alcohol or drugs.

Trucking companies can also be held liable for accidents. Companies must ensure that they follow proper hiring and training practices for drivers. They must also regularly inspect and maintain each vehicle to ensure they are in proper working order. If any part of these large trucks fails well operating at higher speeds, the results could be devastating.


If you or a loved one has been injured in a semi-truck accident caused by the negligence of a truck driver or trucking company, let the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS get to work on your behalf. Our qualified and experienced team will investigate your case and more to secure the compensation you deserve. This can include:

Coverage of all truck crash-related medical expenses

Lost income if you are unable to work

Pain and suffering damages

Loss of enjoyment of life damages

Possible punitive damages against a negligent truck driver or trucking company


You need a team that cares! Contact the Villarreal & Begum, LAW GUNS to hire a caring and hard-working team of personal injury lawyers who put in the man-hours to get the compensation you deserve. Call (210) 800-0000 to schedule your free consultation. Make sure negligent drivers don’t get away with 18-wheeler accidents. Stop by our San Antonio law firm to ask any questions and discuss your concerns.



SAN ANTONIO OFFICE5826 W. Interstate 10, Ste 101210-225-0909
San Antonio, TX 78201(210) 800-0000MAP

18-wheeler mishap attorneys

At the point when you get in an accident including a huge vehicle, your property harm and individual wounds are probably going to be serious. For this situation, you might be qualified for remuneration. A 18-wheeler mishap legal counselor will work with you to get numerous pay benefits, so you can reconstruct your life close by friends and family and without monetary pressure.

18-wheeler mishaps are particularly hazardous because of the size of these vehicles, which can gauge as much as 80,000 pounds, as per guidelines by the Texas Branch of Engine Vehicles. Given their huge size, these trucks can cause an expanded gamble of horrendous and, surprisingly, lethal wounds during an accident. As per a concentrate by the Texas Division of Transportation, a normal of 5,000 individuals are killed and 115,000 are harmed every year in crashes including 18-wheelers.

For a casualty of this kind of mishap to get fair pay, it's quite often important to haggle with strong insurance agency that mean to protect the interests of their financial backers. Frequently casualties are left unprotected when back up plans deny them pay or pay them as little as could be expected.

Many individuals who endure car crashes keep thinking about whether they can sue all alone without a legal counselor. In truth, it's remarkably difficult to win these kinds of cases without the exhortation of a specialist attorney, as insurance agency have liberal monetary and specialized assets to subvert casualties' cases. Tragically, numerous casualties lose their entitlement to be remunerated by not recruiting legitimate assistance or by picking a law office that is unpracticed in battling insurance agency.

To get pay, survivors of enormous truck mishaps ought to look for the mastery of a legitimate group gaining practical experience in car crashes, like George Salinas Injury Attorneys. We'll attempt to fabricate areas of strength for a that decisively demonstrates that the other driver was to blame. To demonstrate this, it's important to accumulate proof and draw in experts from various fields, like examination, medication and mechanics. Regular proof gathered during this cycle incorporates:

Onlooker accounts

Videographic material

Clinical reports

Writes about assembling, plan or upkeep deserts

As opposed to prevalent thinking, it isn't costly to enlist experienced auto collision legal counselors. As a matter of fact, casualties don't need to pay personal whenever. In cases including individual injury, attorneys quite often work under an installment strategy referred to in the legitimate world as "possibility charges." This implies that the law office covers all costs and in return keeps a little level of the last remuneration - yet provided that they win. In the event that the legal counselor doesn't win the case, the casualty doesn't need to pay for their administrations.

Have you or a friend or family member gotten in a mishap including an enormous vehicle? At George Salinas Injury Legal advisors, we're seasoned veterans of winning remuneration benefits for our clients, which let them modify their lives close by their families and without monetary pressure.

Reach us by calling 210-225-0909 or finishing up this structure to plan a free conference, where we'll make sense of the different legitimate choices for your case. Our San Antonio 18-wheeler mishap legal advisors will battle to get you equity.

How might our 18-wheeler mishap legal counselors in San Antonio help you?

Notwithstanding the torment of their wounds, casualties and their families should confront a few troublesome inquiries after a mishap:

How am I going to pay for all the emergency clinic bills, meds, regular checkups and recovery meetings?

What will happen to all of us assuming the mishap keeps me from working?

Who will repay me for all my lost wages?

Could I at any point sue assuming my movement status is muddled?

To begin, our enormous truck mishap lawyers at George Salinas Injury Legal advisors can assist with explaining your questions:

As your lawyers, we'll look for different remuneration advantages to cover all your clinical costs now and later on, as well as repayment for lost compensation in the event that you can't work because of your wounds.

In the event that the wounds you endured because of the mishap have caused you profound and mental harms, for example, misery, melancholy or post-horrible pressure issue, we'll likewise look for monetary remuneration for this.

It doesn't make any difference what your movement status is. Assuming you've experienced a mishap because of another person's carelessness, Texas regulation safeguards you. You're qualified for remuneration to assist with modifying your life.

At George Salinas Injury Legal counselors, we'll battle for equity while likewise guaranteeing the protection of your own data.

As well as responding to your inquiries, our enormous business vehicle mishap lawyers at George Salinas Injury Legal counselors will concentrate on the particulars of your case and framework a game plan to construct a triumphant remuneration guarantee.

Our #1 need is consistently your wellbeing. That is the reason our work additionally incorporates ensuring that you're gone to by the best clinical group, as guarantors frequently try to force their own primary care physicians and medical clinics, regardless of whether they're not awesome.

Whenever we've ensured that your wellbeing is good to go, we'll make the fundamental moves to win your case while you center your energies around recuperating close by your friends and family. A portion of the means we'll take incorporate the accompanying:


We'll go to the location of the mishap, so our accident specialists can remake the occasions and get the most potential exact data about what occurred.


We'll recognize potential observers of the mishap and talk with them to record their declarations.


We'll look at the encompassing region of the mishap scene to look for public or confidential reconnaissance cameras that might have recorded what occurred. Whenever found, we'll oversee gaining admittance to these accounts.


We'll find and accumulate proof to demonstrate that the driver's way of behaving was careless. This occasionally requires the guide of innovation specialists, who perform perplexing and concentrated work, for example, following the other driver's telephone to demonstrate he was messaging when the mishap occurred (on account of occupied driving).


In view of all the proof accumulated, we'll fabricate a strong case and look for fair pay. Ordinarily, this request should be made to the insurance agency addressing the to blame driver, which includes an exchange interaction. If talks neglect to deliver a gainful settlement for the person in question, the case might need to be prosecuted and settled at preliminary.


We'll participate in straightforward and legitimate exchange with you about the different lawful choices that emerge during talks to pursue the most ideal choices mutually.

In the event that you were the survivor of a truck mishap, you can't gamble with leaving your case in the possession of an unpracticed law office. At George Salinas Injury Legal advisors, we're here to help. We're one of the most lofty law offices in San Antonio. Our work is characterized by lawful greatness, unprecedented exchange abilities and custom-made administrations given by warm, cordial and Spanish-talking experts.

Normal kinds of enormous business vehicle mishaps

18-wheeler mishaps frequently bring about casualties experiencing serious, even devastating or deadly wounds. With an end goal to forestall these kinds of episodes, the Texas Branch of Transportation concentrates on the most widely recognized sorts of enormous business vehicle mishaps every year. Here are the best eight sorts:

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Folding blade mishaps

Most 18-wheelers are comprised of two sections: a trailer and a taxi. Pocketknife mishaps happen when these parts become skewed and the driver fails to keep a grip on the vehicle, frequently turning over. It for the most part happens while advancing rapidly on a bend or when tires slide on a wet street.

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Punctured tires

A huge truck tire gauges a normal of 100 pounds, so when it goes level, the strength of the whole vehicle is in danger. In addition to the fact that there is a gamble of rollover, however the tire might become ousted and influence different vehicles or even people on foot.

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Wide turns

At the point when a huge truck makes a sharp turn, for example, a U-turn, it should initially turn the other way to make sufficient room to turn without taking a chance with security. Be that as it may, in the event that the driver doesn't see vehicles in the following path while making this wide turn, it's feasible to collide with them.

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Numerous vulnerable sides

All vehicles have vulnerable sides that drivers can't find in their mirrors, particularly when vehicles are situated on one or the other side. With regards to 18-wheelers, these vulnerable sides are duplicated and drivers should be extremely cautious prior to turning or moving to another lane.

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Backside crashes

Backside crashes are among the most well-known street mishaps. They happen when a vehicle brakes and the vehicle behind it can't slow down in time and winds up crashing into it. For vehicles, these sorts of mishaps don't frequently have significant results. Be that as it may, while the striking vehicle is a 18-wheeler, the results can be intense. To keep away from this sort of mishap, drivers ought to remember that it can take an enormous truck as long as six seconds to reach a stand-still.

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Falling freight

Frequently 18-wheelers have a business reason and transport weighty burdens starting with one town then onto the next. Organizations are obliged to guarantee that these heaps are appropriately situated and not at risk for falling on the off chance that the vehicle were to slow down unexpectedly or make a wide turn. Be that as it may, once in a while the freight isn't as expected stacked and represents a possible danger to local vehicles in the event that the truck were to crash or upset. Likewise, huge trucks once in a while convey gas or other combustible substances that hazard causing a fire when spilled.

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Head-on crashes

One of the most wrecking car crashes happens when two vehicles impact head-on. On the off chance that one of the vehicles included is an enormous truck, all things considered, the wounds will be devastating or lethal. These mishaps for the most part happen when one of the drivers takes part in a demonstration of gross carelessness, for example, dr

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