Every TNA / Impact Wrestling " On A Pole " Match , Explained, WWE

 Every TNA / Impact Wrestling " On A Pole " Match , Explained

Image credits TNA 

The " On a Post " match is a normal event in ace wrestling , a match where the contenders battle to snatch something off of a shaft , either to dominate a game or to acquire advantage in a match . While managing everything in late period WCW , Vince Russo did so many of these that it became one of his marks , as well as sort of a joke , and one that went on into Russo's time working for Effect Wrestling , back when it was known as TNA .RELATED : 5 Best " On A Post " Matches In Wrestling History ( and 5 Most horrendously terrible ) In the whole two - decade history of Effect Wrestling , there have been eighteen " On a Shaft " coordinates , with different things put on said shaft . We should investigate each and every one of them , from the old NWA - TNA week by week pay - per - view days the entire way to the latest . Hatchet - Handle On A Post : Terse Hennig versus David Energy ( NWA All out Constant Activity , 1/8/2003 ) Effect Wrestling's first " On a Shaft " match no is totally reviled , as it was the fir Hennig match before his unfavorable demise a month after the fact . Regardless of that importance , it's anything but an inconceivably convincing or engaging exertion , as it endured under three minutes before Hennig got a ringside chaperon to snatch the hatchet - handle for him . Relentless Activity , 7/30/2003 ) Guitar And Play club On Two Posts : Jeff Jarrett versus Legend ( NWA Complete During Joe E. Legend's disappointing Effect Wrestling run , he had a coordinate with Jeff Jarrett where two unique weapons put on posts .Throughout the span of the match , Legend snatched the bat while Jarrett got the guitar , yet it was Jarrett and his particular guitar crush that won the session . Seat On A Post First Blood : Chasm versus Kid Kash ( NWA Complete Relentless Activity , 10/29/2003 ) After Pit ran off a Youngster Kash assault on Sonjay Dutt the earlier week , Pit and Kash have a " On A Post " coordinate with an extra First Blood limitation . RELATED : 8 Behind the stage Tales About Pit We Can't Really accept that After heaps of devious strategies by Youngster Kash Ahvss lost this match after a Snear Kash , Void lost this match after a Lance endeavor sent Chasm face - first through a seat toward the side of the ring . Singapore Stick On A Post : The Get-together versus The Sandman ( NWA All out Relentless Activity , 1/14/2004 ) After the Social event - CM Punk and Julio Dinero turned on their chief Raven , Raven tracked down a partner in his old adversary , the Sandman . This session should be a label group match , however Raven was mysteriously gone , so Troublemaker and Dinero got the Singapore Stick , as well as a doub triumph thanks to some interruption from their director , Father James Mitchell .Nightstick On A Shaft : Dallas and Youngster Kash versus D'Lo Brown and Gran Apolo ( NWA All out Constant Activity , 4/28/2004 ) The groups of D'Lo Brown and Gran Apolo as well as Youngster Kash and Dallas ( a.k.a. Spear Bowman ) put in a long time exchanging the NWA World Label Group Title , so they had a Nightstick on a Post limitation for their elastic match . Sadly , the Nightstick wound up tumbling off of the shaft at one point , constraining the session out of control . Guitar On A Shaft : Jeff Jarrett , Ken Shamrock and The Tip top Watchman versus 3 Live Kru , Dusty Rhodes and Larry Zbyszko ( All out Relentless Activity Wrestling , 7/14/2004 ) During Dusty Rhodes ' failed to remember 2003-2005 run with Effect , he got in on the " On a Post " fun too , collaborating with 3 Live Kru and Larry Zbyszko against Jeff Jarrett's team . RELATED : 10 Things Fans Ought to Be familiar with Larry Zbyszko Dusty wound up winning the session for his group , taking the Guitar from Jarrett through cheap shot and crushing it over the top of the Tip top Watchman's Onyx .Nightstick On A Shaft : Sting versus Christian Enclosure versus Void ( TNA Effect , 12/28/2006 ) Weeks before their three - way at Conclusive Goal , Sting , Christian Enclosure , and NWA Best on the planet Chasm had a non - title three - way coordinate with a nightstick put on a post . In spite of impedance by Tomko for Christian Enclosure's benefit , Sting scored the nightstick and at last the success , despite the fact that Enclosure won the belt at the compensation - per - view . Engine City Chain Nightstick and Key On A Shaft : AJ Styles versus Rhino ( Despite everything , 2/11/2007 ) This Despite everything session consolidates several tricks - AJ Styles and Rhino were binded together , with two posts to battle about , one with a nightstick and one with a key to open the chain . AJ wound up getting the way to free himself , while Rhino took the pin subsequent to missing a Violence and going straight through a table . Twofold North Pole : Johnny Devine and Group 3D versus Jay Deadly and The Engine City Automatic rifles ( TNA Effect , 12/20/2007 )
This extraordinary Christmas episode was brimming with bubbly match expectations , yet the Twofold North Pole match really had a reason : figuring out what the limitation would be for Group 3D versus Engine City Automatic weapons at Conclusive Goal . Alex Shelley would climb the shaft and pull down the stocking that would make the session an Extreme X match , staying away from the other choice , which was Fortified Glass Tables . Rat On A Shaft : Kaz versus Dark Rule ( TNA Effect , 2/7/2008 ) Dustin Rhodes ' deplorable Dark Reign contrivance in Effect Wrestling include Rhodes having a pet rodent named Dim , so obviously it would have been the subject of a Post match . RELATED : Each Adaptation Of Dustin Rhodes , Positioned From Most terrible To Best This match had four boxes on shafts , one of which held the rodent while the others had mousetraps within it . Kaz wound up recovering the rodent for the success , yet Dark Rule took her back . Stylist's Shears On A Shaft : Traci Creeks versus Jacqueline versus Gail Kim versus Christy Hemme versus ODB versus Angelina Love versus Velvet versus Salinas versus Roxxi Laveaux ( TNA Effect , 5/8/2008 ) The enormous Knockouts match at Penance included a fight illustrious followed by a stepping stool coordinate between the two finalists , with the washout of the stepping stool match getting her head shaved . However, before that , the contenders battled in a Hairdresser's Shears on a Shaft match for resistance from the shaving . Gail Kim won resistance , as well as the PPV coordinate , with Roxxi Laveaux getting shaved . Lager Container On A Shaft : James Tempest versus Chasm ( TNA Effect , 12/11/2 After James Tempest crushed a lager bottle over Void ' head and effectively safeguarded the label belts against the beast and Matt Morgan , Tempest and Pit had a match where a brew bottle was what to battle for . Because of obstruction from Bobby Roode , Tempest got the pinfall triumph here while Morgan got the lager bottle crushed over his head . Hat On A Post : Scott Steiner versus Petey Williams ( TNA Effect , 2/12/2009 ) Scott Steiner and Petey Williams were adjusted as Large Poppa Siphon and Litt . individually Steiner's ioining up
Siphon , separately , however Steiner's getting together with the Headliner Mafia brought about Poppa turning on Petey . RELATED : 10 Things Fans Ought to Be familiar with TNA's Headliner Mafia The thing on the shaft in their large experience was Steiner's mark chainmail hat , which he had the option to recover and keep wearing in the wake of conveying an exhaustive beating to his previous companion . Office Keys On A Shaft : Kurt Point versus Mick Foley ( TNA Effect , 7/23/2009 ) The Headliner Mafia point came about second Post match . Following Kurt As coming out on top for of the Big showdown from champion
furthermore, on - screen authority figure Mick Foley , the two battled in a post match on the resulting Effect for the keys to Foley's office in a session that finished in a no challenge thanks to a run - in from the MEM . Contract On A Shaft : Zema Particle versus Anthony Nese ( Effect Wrestling , 12/29/2011 ) In late 2011 , X Division entertainers Zema lon ( a.k.a. DJ Z or Joaquin de ) and Anthony Nese ( a.k.a. Tony Nese ) had a Best of Three series to become # 1 competitor to the X Division Title . Subsequent to exchanging wins , the tie - breaker wa - than less - than - five - minute Agreement on a Shaft match , which lon won exclusively to lose the match at Beginning . Portfolio On A Shaft : James Tempest versus Heavy weapons specialist ( Effect Wrestling - Beginning Section 2 , 1/23/2014 ) - In 2014 , James Tempest and Heavy weapons specialist had a label group continuing , however rising strains would lead the two to conflict with each other particularly after Heavy armament specialist scored a Gala or Discharged satchel containing a World Title shot . Tempest and Heavy weapons specialist had a few counterparts for the folder case , prompting the inevitab Portfolio on a Post match , which Heavy armament specialist at last won eventually won . Pipe on a Post : Drew Galloway versus Kenny Ruler ( One Night In particular : No-nonsense Equity 4 , 4/1/2015 ) On this One Night Just compensation - per - view , Drew Galloway took on Kenny Lord in a Line on a Shaft match where the MacGuffin never truly considered along with the completion the manner in which the things have done in the above matches . All things considered , in the wake of Lord recovered the line , he promptly ate a Claymore from Galloway for the pinfall misfortune . Steel Line On A Post : Drew Galloway versus Low Ki ( Effect Wrestling - Bad-to-the-bone Equity , 5/1/2015 ) Drew Galloway and Low Ki were taken part in a serious quarrel including pipe - based assaults , so it just seemed OK for them to have another Steel Line on a Post match at the year's second No-nonsense Equity occasion . The latest On a Shaft match to date in Effect was one more match where the tumbled off the post , however Galloway weapon wound up with the success because of a Future Shock DDT into a seat .

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