The Worst WWE Match Every Year For The Past 10 Years , According To Dave Meltzer, WWE Dave Meltzer

 The Worst WWE Match Every Year For The Past 10 Years , According To Dave Meltzer 

Image credits WWE

AIthough WWE is by the far the greatest and best An expert wrestling organization in the world , the advancement actually presents a ton of things that fans would like to consume from their recollections . Every year , even with a ton of good , some matches can be totally wretched .
RELATED : 10 Worst AEW Matches So Far , According To Dave Meltzer Dave Meltzer's star evaluations are a decent sign of which match every year is the most terrible of the most terrible , with him giving a rating to most PPVS consistently . While few out of every odd Raw or SmackDown match is appraised , Meltzer covers the greatest shows , rating which major matches are at the close to worthless to the highest point of the mountain . These are the extremely most awful evaluated matches every year , according to . 2021 - Damian Priest Vs The Miz , Backlash ( - 3 Stars ) The expectation of this session was a " Z Lumberjack Match " , and that lets you know you want to be familiar with why this was so
awful . To assist with advancing one of Batista's new motion pictures , WWE integrated zombies into their WrestleMania Backlash PPV , sprucing up execution place ability as zombies to be at ringside . The Miz was frightened of them , the zombies consumed John Morrison at ringside , and afterward toward the finish of the session , they swarmed The Miz with the ramifications that they ate him . To exacerbate the situation , The Miz experienced his very first significant injury in this match , making it much to a greater degree a debacle . - 2020 Brock Lesnar Vs Ricochet , Super Showdown ( - 1 Star ) Brock Lesnar is prestigious for functioning admirably against more modest contenders , so when Ricochet procured a shot at the WWE Championship against him , there was some expectation that it very well may be a star - making execution for him . Anyway , Lesnar crushed him easily , dominating the game in 90 seconds . This covered Ricochet for some time , with it seeming like a squandered an open door to attempt to fabricate an upper midcard star . 2019 - Seth Rollins Vs Bray Wyatt , Hell In A Cell ( - 2 Stars ) Bray Wyatt's " Fiend " persona was gigantically famous all through the late spring of 2019 , with that driving him to a Universal Championship match at Hell in a Cell . Wyatt no - sold a large portion of Rollins ' offense ,
which was fine , however with the field doused in red lighting , it made the match abnormal . Anyway , things deteriorated when Rollins started to cover Wyatt , later hitting him in the head with a demo hammer to attempt to hold him down . For reasons unknown , the arbitrator required the chime as Rollins went excessively far ( despite the fact that Cell matches are no preclusion ) . Wyatt would then hop up like nothing had occurred , making the consummation of the match futile . 2018 The Bar Vs Braun Strowman and Nicholas , WrestleMania 34 ( 1 Star ) WWE's PPVS didn't have any matches which went under one star in 2018 , however there was as yet a decent amount of terrible displays . One of which was the Raw Tag Team Championship match at WrestleMania 34 . Going in , fans guessed over who Strowman's secret accomplice would be , however fans were let down when he picked a youngster from the group . Strowman would basically beat The Bar in an impediment match , bringing home the Tag Championships for himself and a strict youngster . It was a joke of the label group division . 2017 - Alexa Bliss Vs Bayley , Extreme Rules ( 0 Stars ) Going into this match , the story was Bayley was frightened to utilize weapons to hurt Bayley was terrified to utilize weapons to hurt her rival , regardless of previously being a previous title holder in a battle sport . It was crazy , and it tragically drained its direction into the match as well , which was a Kendo Stick on a Pole match - a genuinely horrendous limitation . RELATED : 10 Best WWE Matches Of The 2010s , According To Dave Meltzer Bayley was frightened of using the stick , prompting Bliss getting the success . This was a horrendous person quality for Bayley , with it being the most vital move towards fans turning on her . 2016 Curtis Axel Vs R Truth , Fastlane ( 0 Stars ) 1 For some explanation , a match between Curtis Axel and R - Truth , two lower card middlemen , was added to this PPV . It might have been because of the show expecting to occupy time , yet one way or the other it was totally trivial . Axel won with a roll - up in barely two minutes , adding literally nothing to the card , particularly with it coming so late into the show in the spot before the headliner . 2015 The Ascension Vs Curtis Axel and Macho Mandow , Payback Kick Off ( 0.5 Stars ) - By the time Payback moved around , the previous NXT Tag Team Champions , The Ascension , were a finished joke . Th would get a success here , however it came would get a success here , yet it came against a joke matching of Curtis Axel and Macho Mandow - " The Meta Powers " , who were caricaturing the group between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage . It was basically a squash match which helped nobody , completely meriting the DUD rating it got . 2014 - AJ Lee Vs Cameron , Elimination Chamber ( - 1 Star ) As great as AJ Lee was as Divas Champion , not even she could get a decent match out of Cameron . Some way or another , Cameron had procured her direction to a tit coordinate on a PPV , with this generally being down to the way that Lee had previously crushed every other person . It was a stunning coordinate with little science , and despite the fact that it just went on close to four minutes , it felt hard to endure . 2013 - Kane Vs Bray Wyatt , SummerSlam ( 0 Stars ) Bray Wyatt's presentation on WWE's principal list went down horrendously . In a " Ring of Fire " match against Kane , the thought was for him to go over a major star in a variety of an exemplary contrivance session - the Inferno Match . Anyway , it was finished - the - top , ineffectively wrestled , and the completion was horrible . RELATED : 10 Worst PPV Names In V History The Wyatt Family utilized a fire cover to meddle , making Wyatt look powerless and making a joke out of the limitation . 2012-Santino Marella Vs Ricardo Rodriguez , No Way Out ( - 1 Star ) This was exclusively a satire match , however it was the parody which Vince McMahon viewed as entertaining , so make of that what you will . Santino Marella and Ricardo Rodriguez battled in a Tuxedo Match , endeavoring to strip one another . It was a finished sham and it was horrendously challenging to endure , with this match existing in a time which ought to have over the puerile latrine humor which McMahon so beyond all doubt cherished .

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