Kevin Owens Seemingly Takes Shot At CM Punk Following All Out PPV

Image credits WWE,AEW

The amount of news coming out of the
How much news emerging from the AEW media scrum following the All Out pay - per - view on Sunday is stunning . Between Punk attacking Colt Cabana and Adam Page , Tony Khan remarking on behind the stage issues in the organization , and a detailed squabble among Punk and several EVPs in AEW , the show is by all accounts at an all - time high . Indeed, even an ongoing WWE star is by all accounts getting in on the genuine - life drama .There is accounted for history between Kevin Owens and Punk dating as far as possible back to their time together in Ring of Honor . The story evidently goes that Punk had a great deal of influence behind the stage around then and Owens was attempting to move gradually up the stepping stool . Purportedly , Punk could have done without Owens and the way that he wasn't looking good , prompting a story that had flowed a very long time back that Punk made fun of Owens behind the stage for wearing a t - shirt while wrestling . Owens wrestled in a singlet , went behind the stage and got right in front of Punk expressing something with the impact , ' Are you cheerful now ? ' , something to which Punk didn't appreciate .Related : CM Punk Goes Off On Hangman Page And Colt Cabana During Post AEW All Out Media Scrum That story has made due in wrestling legend for a really long time and when Punk raised the way that he's no longer companions with Cabana since he believed he was attempting to raise a pal to his level in wrestling that didn't believe Punk should truly be a headliner fellow , Owens could have considered that to be a valuable chance to have a good time . On Twitter , Owens posted a photograph of himself wrestling Steve Austin at this past WrestleMania in the headliner . Punk attempted to get a coordinate with Austin years back and there's an inclination that perhaps Owens presented this photograph on focus on it that the match never occurred . Owens is likewise old buddies with The Young Buck Q1 the AEW stars Punk purportedly had an actual fight with behind the stage after the media scrum . The entirety Of This A Coincidence ? It's surely conceivable these two things aren't associated . Owens could basically have been posting a photograph of his coordinate with Austin , recalling that second and needing to impart it to his supporters . In any case, , the timing is amazingly captivating . There's a set of experiences among Owens and Punk , The Young Bucks and Owens are close and Punk remarked about folks being in the headliner . Seems like the timing was perfect to send a not - so - inc message .