Best Tag Team Partners Of Kofi Kingston's Career ( & 5 Worst ), WWE

 Best Tag Team Partners Of Kofi Kingston's Career ( & 5 Worst ) 

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A 14 - time Label Group Champion and a previous WWE Champion , Kofi A Kingston appeared on WWE's fundamental program in 2007 , hitting fantastic levels of notoriety in the mid to late 2010s as a feature of the three - man bunch New Day . In the years paving the way to that , anyway , Kingston had an assortment of label group accomplices , generally different singles grapplers he was haphazardly put along with .RELATED : WWE : Kofi Kingston's 5 Best Singles Matches ( and His 5 Best Label Group Matches ) Anyway , only one out of every odd label group Kofi shaped worked out . In some cases he and his accomplice caught titles , while others were undeniably less fruitless . We should investigate some of Kofi Kingston's best label group accomplices , as well as a portion of his most horrendously terrible . Best Accomplice : Evan Bourne In 2011 , Kofi Kingston was at that point a three time Intercontinental Top dog when he was haphazardly put along with another babyface high flyer , Evan Bourne - also called Matt Sydal . Named Air Blast , the pair of Kingston and Conceived wound up catching the WWE Label Group ...Title in August of 2011 when they crushed David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty . Their 146 - day run would reach a conclusion in mid 2012 when they lost the belts to Primo and Epico at a house show . Most terrible Accomplice : The Miz Late 2012 saw perhaps of WWE's most persevering through heel , The Miz , turn babyface in the thing was at last a frustrating run . In any case, being a babyface in the mid 2010s raises the chance of collaborating with Kofi Kingston , and The Miz did precisely that as the two wrestled on a few events across 2012 and through 2013 . Sadly , Miz and Kofi demonstrated fruitless in the ring together and lost all their label group matches in 2013 a rivals like the Wyatt Family , the Genuine Americans and even Rvbaxel Americans , and even Rybaxel . Best Accomplice : R - Truth While the Miz and Kofi Kingston were a fruitless label group , Miz's previous accomplice R - Truth fared significantly better close by Kofi . Together , they had the option to oust Primo and Epico for the belts on a late April 2012 episode of Crude and scored fruitful title protections against the Ideal Time Players and the group of Dolph Ziggler and Jack Strut . RELATED : Each Form Of Kofi Kingston , Positioned From Most exceedingly terrible To Best Their 139 - day rule would reach a conclusion at The evening of Champions pay - per - vi 2012 when they were crushed by Da Bryan and Kane , after which Kofi Kingston DO conorato wave and R - Truth headed out in a different direction . Most awful Accomplice : Harry Smith Even pass on - hard WWE fans may be scratching their heads attempting to recollect when Harry Smith - a.k.a. Davey Kid Smith Jr. - and Kofi Kingston had a label group . It was an in WWE's old formative area , Ohio Valley Wrestling , the two were coordinated as the Republic Association , on the premise that Kofi was an imagine Jamaican and Harry Smith is the Canadian - conceived child of the English Bulldog . Kingston and Smith just wrestled a modest bunch of matches together , and by Kofi's own record the organization neglected to bear any natural product .Best Accomplice : CM Punk More irregular than the formative matching of Kofi Kingston and Harry Smith was the matching of Kofi Kingston and CM Punk , back when Troublemaker was a conventional babyface not getting numerous valuable open doors on Crude . Together , Kingston and Troublemaker had the option to depose Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase for the World Label Group Title on an October 2008 Crude , holding it for 47 days prior to dropping it to John Morrison and The Miz at a house show on their most memorable protection . It's not Kingston's best run by any stretch , however it unquestionably considers a fruitful organization since it brought about title gold . Most awful Accomplice : Kevin Owens By 2019 , Kofi Kingston was in the New Day and giving no indications of finishing the organization with Large E and Xavier Woods . However, in April of that year , Large E supported a physical issue , with Kevin Owens turning into a privileged individual from the gathering to get together with them . While their most memorable trip together - a six - man tag against a threesome of trouble makers - demonstrated successful , it turned out Owen's goals weren't precisely generally good . It was just seven days after the fact that Owens organized an assault on his privileged colleagues so he could fight for Kofi's WWE Title . Best Accomplice : Xavier Woods In the wake of neglecting to pick up speed in the ring in 2014 , Xavier Woods moved toward b Kofi Kingston and Large E about turning meir vocations around , which brought about the three collaborating as the New Day . While at New Day's pinnacle , Woods was many times the trombone - playing cornerman for Kingston and Huge E , however he was the genuine article in the ring himself . RELATED : The KofiMania Excursion , Made sense of Together , Kofi and Woods scored a few quite huge successes including catching the Crude and SmackDown Label Group Titles as a couple on three separate events . Most horrendously terrible Accomplice : Mickie James In WWE , it's normal for a male and female babyface pair to take on relating heels in a blended tag and Kofi Kingston had a few with marr time Ladies' Hero Mickie James .But , James and Kingston weren't the very best blended label group in WWE history , losing each of the multiple times they collaborated on television - including when it counted most . It was at SummerSlam 2008 when Kofi and Mickie put their particular Intercontinental and Ladies' Titles at risk in a blended label match , losing them to Santino Marella and Beth Phoenix . Best Accomplice : Large E For some fans , the ideal New Day label group arrangement is Kofi Kingston and Huge E. It absolutely seems OK , as the two have the most great size differential when put close to each other . On top of that their styles are unmistakable , as Kofi is the high and Huge E is the force to be reckoned with . Together , they've had critical triumphs of their they've had huge triumphs of their own also , incorporating fights with The Restoration , the Usos , and the Bar . Most terrible Accomplice : Rey Mysterio While Evan Bourne ended up being an incredible accomplice for Kofi Kingston , another high flying unadulterated babyface , Rey Mysterio , didn't . While it seems like a perfect pair , the real different times they labeled together from 2008 to 2014 tragically say something else , as they were in many cases fruitless in the ring . In 2009 , they really had a Label Title chance at the Miz and John Morrison yet neglected to catch the belts . While they were in the triumphant group for the 2010 Gloating Rights end match , Kofi was disposed of pretty ea the session .

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