Raw , results live blog : SummerSlam fallout ago, Raw highlights, Raw review preview highlights 1 August 2022

 Raw , results live blog : SummerSlam fallout ago, Raw highlights, Raw review preview highlights 1 August 2022

Image credits WWE

Houston , Texas , highlighting all the aftermath from the SummerSlam pay - per - view ( PPV ) that went down only this previous Saturday night in Nashville , Tennessee .
Promoted for this evening : Nothing official as of this composition except for there's a ton to deal with following the occasions of SummerSlam . Bianca Belair is as yet Raw ladies' hero , Becky Lynch turned babyface , Bayley is back with a gathering that incorporates IYO SKY and Dakota Kai , Edge got back to get after The Judgment Day close by Rey and Dominik Mysterio , The Miz lost to Logan Paul , and significantly more ! Refreshed publicizing : Rey and Dominik Mysterio challenge The Usos for th Q1 group titles , two triple danger match find the following challenger to Bobby Lashley's U.S. title . Return here at 8 p.m. ET when the Raw live blog will start off once the show begins on USA Network . It will be underneath this line here . WWE RAW RESULTS AND LIVE BLOG FOR AUG . 1 You are returning home , are you still alone , are you not equivalent to you used to be ? As the sun develops high and you serve your time , does every day feel like another falsehood ? Presently you know , is it only to look good , simply a silly game that you take cover behind ? In any case , I'm here to liveblog this genius wrestling show for you , people . The show opens with Becky Lynch making her entry , arm in a sling . Q1 She gets on the mic and invites us to easy street and says she does her absolute best with it in all that she does . She's discussed winding up in a very difficult situation and not knowing who she was the point at which she lost the title , yet at SummerSlam , she recalled who in the world she is , and it ain't in the extravagant garments or the steady requirement for magnificence or approval , it's in the diligence . At the point when she isolated her shoulder at SummerSlam , she realized she could either surrender or give it all that she has , and she battled through twenty of the most ridiculously agonizing snapshots of her profession , and however difficult as it seemed to be it wasn't so excruciating as the acknowledgment that she had become so isolated from the real world . At the point when the ref counted the three she realized she'd put forth a strong effort however it wasn't sufficient that evening , and she w Q1 reminded that she isn't characterized by match , she characterizes the coordinate , thus too with titles , and she won't be characterized by any man , she characterizes The Man . Enter Bianca Belair . Thus we start another time and another rebound story and it begins now , however first she needs to give credit to the one who pushed her consistently for the last year to be all that she could be , Bianca Belair . She says Becky doesn't simply characterize the man , she is The Man . They embrace and Lynch advises her to hold the dam and she'll see her soon . Belair gets on the mic and says there's a degree of shared regard among she and Becky now and that implies something to her . She's advanced so a lot , and she knows there's an objective on her back , however she will not be found slipping and that is the reason remaining as our Raw Women's Champion . 1 She'll be prepared for who's straightaway , whether that is Bayley or her little companions . We cut behind the stage where Bayley and her little companions Dakota Kai and IYO SKY are pounding Becky Lynch ! THEY PILLMANIZE HER INJURED ARM ! Bianca surges back to find her and attempts to sort out where they went yet no one knows . Editorial hypes up the remainder of the show for us . We get a pictoral recap of SummerSlam . A video bundle covering the historical backdrop of the United States Championship , described by John " Bradshaw " Layfield . We get a recap of Miz versus Logan Paul and a promotion from Paul from home recently about marking his full - length contr 1 being eager to show up . AJ Styles versus Mustafa Ali versus the Miz ( WWE United States Championship # 1 Contender's Tournament First Round Match ) Miz promptly to the floor , running impedance , entangling Ali , Styles takes the A - Lister out with a punt ! Mustafa back inside , AJ needs the Styles Clash yet Miz hauls him out and crushes him into the report work area ! Ali with a jump , right hands to the A - Lister , back in , waistlock , back roll , Miz passes him into the turnbuckles ! Corner tether to Styles , boot to Ali , nearfall off a sticking issue . Whip into the corner , whip switched , Miz up top , Mustafa removes him , Styles winds up suplexing him and the A - Lister gets the cellar DDT for two ! Chest kicks , AJ gets the fi hits an enzuigiri ! Q1 Mustafa not too far off , exchanging slashes with the Phenomenal One , into lower arms , AJ rocks him with a major palm strike across the face ! Whip across , Ali with a punt to Miz , evade the charge , roundhouse kick to Styles , moving thunder ... COUNTERED WITH THE USHIGOROSHI ! Reversed DDT , Mustafa come in and hits a neckbreaker however he can't get a pin on one or the other person ! Ali up top , 450 , no one home , Styles with the backbreaker and afterward a Pele kick for Miz ! AJ takes Miz to the floor and whips him , working his harmed ribs ... ALI OUTTA NOWHERE WITH A TOPE INTO A TORNADO DDT ! OLLITOU As Mustafa is returning inside ... SKULL CRUSHING FINALE BUT MIZ CAN'T CAPITALIZE WITH HIS INJURED RIBS AND ALI KICKS OUT ! Taking Mustafa in corner , laying knees in , up top ... AL Q1 THE 450 SPLASH BUT AJ CATCHES HIM CTVLEC OLAQUILITIC
enzuigiri , collapsing press for two , storm cellar superkick ... No ! Power outage dodged , moving elbow associates , Buckle Bomb impeded with elbows , Ford raises a ruckus around town DDT out of the corner ... SETH GETS THE FOOT ON THE ROPES ! Getting Montez in the turnbuckles , powerbomb lift ... Clasp BOMB ! Hawk Arrow follows it up ... NOT ENOUGH ! Seth off the top , frog sprinkle ... No one HOME ! Portage goes up ... Be that as it may, THE KNEES ARE UP ! Rollins detonates off the ropes ... Seth Rollins wins by pinfall with Blackout . Post - match , Rollins needs to hit another Blackout yet Angelo Dawkins makes the save ! A recap of our headliner from Saturday follows . Back from business , we get a recap of what we recently saw . Chad Gable cuts a promotion during his entry about how his mind is so enormous it's two times the size of Texas and he will come out on top for the United States Championship and set this country on his back , and he will not need to swindle to make it happen . Chad Gable versus Dolph Ziggler versus Tommaso Ciampa ( WWE United States Championship # 1 Contender's Tournament First Round Match ) Gable pursuing Ziggler , Ciampa glad to work twofold - groups with him , Dolph a hurricane of strikes to move away however Tom slingshots him hard into the post ! Chad rolls into a fire fighter's carry on Cian 1 twofold chickenwing turned into a facebuster , surfboard step yet Ziggler comes in and stirs things up around town before he can underwrite , and we go to break . Back from business , Gable with a lower leg lock on Ziggler , clinging to it , moving through , Ciampa gets back to the ring and snatches an arm - trap crossface on Dolph ! Cleaves to attempt to remove Chad receive him a few steps consequently , Ziggler rolls through into a pin yet Gable throws out and clings to the hold ! Tom with his very own Fameasser on Chad to split it up and get a two count ! In the turnbuckles , moving for position , Tom raises a ruckus around town Raid Crash ... Peak BREAKS IT UP WITH A HEADBUTT ! Ciampa and Chad slugging it out , release cord elbow from the Sicilian Psychopath , knee hindered , Chaos Theory , Dolph raises a ruckus around town Zag as Q1 emerges from the German ... SO CLOSE
Exchanging pins , Tom with a front kick , underhooks , no arrangement , Dolph with a superkick ! Chad tosses him out to take it , Ziggler removes him from the pin ! Knee strike from Tom , apostatize from Gable , just two ! This time the knee hits , underhooks ... Tommaso Ciampa wins by pinfall with Fairy Tale Ending on Chad Gable . We get a recap of Edge's tumble from the heap of power and return at SummerSlam to mess up Judgment Day's works , and we go to break .

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