Raw recap & reactions : Beginnings and endings, WWE Raw results, highlights

 Raw recap & reactions : Beginnings and endings, WWE Raw results, highlights 

Image credits WWE

That is the thing Bayley says she , Dakota Kai , and IYO SKY accept they took back to the ladies' division . A yearning to be awesome and a craving that each of the ladies in the storage space need . Bayley says - appropriately - that the ladies' division got smug in her nonattendance . Also, the following stage in their takeover is Dakota and IYO battling for the label group titles . Bayley was perfect here . She ordinarily is , yet I notice that in view of one specific second . In the wake of alluding to Dakota Kai as " Dakota Sky , " Bayley turned and faulted the group for her flub . Let them know she can't think as expected with them making this clamor and they should all quiet down . She took that second and transformed it into implosion , making Dakota takeover subsequent to advising Bayley to unwind . It was funny ,
assisted everybody's characters , delineated overall vibes , and showed their science . It was flawed yet it shows why these three are together . When Alexa Bliss , Asuka , and Bianca Belair appeared , the temperature in the ring changed . The showdown set up an expected match , as Asuka and Alexa are in the label title competition too , yet additionally a threesomes label match at Clash at the Castle . Why then and not currently ? Well , other than the reality WWE needs a major counterpart for this occasion , Bayley doesn't trust Cleveland mama enough for a match that size . Reliable heel strategies . Bianca needed static . Bayley needed to keep control this week however Bianca needed to let completely go . A fight made out and made meextremely upset blissful . A major fight setting off a show generally makes me grin . Particularly when it's set up in this style . Bayley , Kai , and SKY spread the word about their presence all through the show , showing up in a couple of behind the stage portions and utilizing muscle over different ladies in the division . That's what I love . It makes them ubiquitous and shows rather than tells . WWE is perfect at letting us know somebody's objective yet not generally incredible appearance it . Regardless , my just " objection " is that it's not strung all through the show in light of the fact that , this is the most fascinating story on Raw right now . However, I'm being covetous .Extracurriculars somebody . Iridescence Speaking of running strings through the show . During a couple behind the stage portions , WWE showed a crashed vehicle behind the scenes while individuals gave interviews or just went on and on to each other . The initial occasion when it was crashed with authorities around the vehicle two or three ladies grapplers . The subsequent time , a tow truck lifted the vehicle and police surged past the camera as though they were pursuing Those equivalent police showed up toward the finish of the headliner , however this time with somebody in their care . Or if nothing else attempting to get somebody in their guardianship . The police tuled with the individual , the group looked and in the long run there was a fast impression The police lussitu with the
individual , the group looked on , and at last there was a speedy look at the individual wearing a dark hoodie : Dexter Lumis ! Furthermore, that was all there was to it . He left , the reporters recognized it yet didn't abide , and consideration turned around to the victor in the ring . Cracking ' 0-2 This was a bother ideally setting up something bigger . I like the execution during the show regardless of whether the genuine " uncover " didn't appear to do much for the group . But on the other hand I don't know what the ideal result was . What I really do be aware , anyway , is I'm extremely inquisitive where this is going . At one point during Angelo Daw coordinate with Seth Rollins , the ref ejecteu svetly what oth
That is All She Wrote coordinate with Seth Rollins , the ret shot out Montez Ford . Which is precisely very thing Seth needed . Dawkins dazzled me during this match . Not to say he doesn't necessarily dazzle , but rather he had an additional fire this week . Indeed, even wrestled without his shirt ! Story wise , this advanced nothing . Seth won all well and good - because of a family - then compounded an already painful situation toward the end with a check step . Yet, the undeniable genuine ramifications is trying Dawkins for a performance run . I couldn't say whether his roof is pretty much as high as Montez - he can't hop that high - however he stood his ground with truly outstanding . That looks good for his future . Stella and I considered what Kevin Owens resembles under Triple H. Well , we found a determined solution this week . Long a shy of it : KO ain't with the BS . Beside one little slip on the ring steps .Aside from one little slip on the ring steps , KO was all business . He wrecked Ezekiel/Elias/Elrod when the chime went ding . Then , in a sign of approval for his past , power bombarded that man on and ring cover . Furthermore, that was all there was to it . Match over . The ref called it because of Zeke's powerlessness to contend - rhyme planned - while Owens looked on with noxiousness , threat , and one more m word to polish off the similar sounding word usage . KO is , ideally , finished with this Zeke business and entering the following stage . Zeke even made a cot showing , so who can say for sure how this affects his future . KO reminded us later that this is as yet the KO Show and I'm down for all of that .Champing at the Bit I thought Ciampa had it taken care of . I truly trusted the Black Heart , who committed his United States title match to Harley Race , was leaving Cleveland with that title close by . While he didn't get that , he got something comparably significant : Elevation . Bobby Lashley said he needs to put on incredible matches and hoist individuals on the program as U.S. champ . That is precisely exact thing he did this evening . Lashley and Ciampa put on quite a battle with a lot of tension . On occasion , it truly seemed as though Ciampa could do the unimaginable and beat a man who looks superb . Ciampa showed all that made him the man in NXT , alongside a capacity to work with somebody Lash size . Furthermore, the juxtaposition in styles w for the story Lachlow is all now Ciamna ideal for the story . Lashley is all power and high effect . Ciampa is logical , purposeful , and obnoxious . WWE remembered about AJ Styles either . AJ trapped Miz during the match . The two fought around the ring and, surprisingly, through the ring - without contacting Lashley or Ciampa - which got rid of Miz after he helped Ciampa a few times during the match . Ciampa went from the person who simply made due because of Miz putting his foot on the rope or diverting Lashley , to somebody who put the champion on the ropes without anyone else . The man even endure the Hurt Lock longer than most , declining to tap at first in any case giving in light of the fact that duh . There's no disgrace in losing to the winner . Losing this way however ? Looking truly cutthroat and showing he has a place in a title picture ? That is embrace Segue ! Ciampa . This was only a great session between two people working at a general far past eye level . In the event that you missed this match , you deserve to watch it not currently but rather at the present time . The engagement among AJ and Miz prompted a no DQ headliner match . Furthermore, it was fine . Perhaps I was somewhat let down since this was the headliner , however it was a totally fine no DQ match between two felines who could do without one another . Ciampa meddled yet his appearance didn't guard his companion . AJ won in a match that utilized kendo sticks , seats , tables , and gentle brutality . The actual match felt like a half - measure . I disdain when no DQ matches don't ta benefit of that expectation . Go wila .as well . Make it truly fierce . Like I said , it was fine , yet nothing to really think of home about . What's more, , likely more terrible , it wasn't the most ideal finish to a strong evening of sports diversion proficient wrestling . Me thinks this is the finish of AJ and Miz's short - lived fight , which feels suitable Cats in the Cradle I'm a sucker for this dad/child interest among Rey and Dominik . Last week , Raw's last picture was Edge skewering Dom and Rey keeping an eye on his fallen child while assembling the pieces . This week , Edge apologized to the two men . Rey excused his long-lasting companion and previous label accomplice . Dom however ? Well , how about we simply say he doesn't really accept that Edge is " family . " That's a Fas Furious reference for anybody playing at home . Dom pushed Edge and woofed on his dad for agreeing with Edge's stance . Edge offered his assistance yet Rey really had confidence in his child . Yet, during his coordinate with Finn Balor , Rey strolled to the ring alone . I was really bolted . I get where Dom is coming from , I get where Rey is coming from . They're real people with sentiments that go past platitude stuff . It assisted that Finn and Rey with putting on a decent coordinate loaded up with counters , inversions , close to falls , and huge moves . Through all that , I pondered Dom . Where is he ? Is he appearing in the third demonstration with a blade for his dad's back ? Will he understand it was only a mix-up and perhaps the elderly people men are correct ? Edge even pursued Damian Priest into the group , making room for Dom's return ! Well , Rhea Ripley had different plans . The Nightmare appeared with Dom drap behind her like a cushion , pummeled TO creep of his life Dinned shirt charming into a bloody mess an inch of his life . Torn shirt , cuts and injuries all over , and, surprisingly, some " blood " just in case . Rey quit thinking often about Finn in light of the fact that duh , and lost the match subsequently . We finished with Rey , on the mat , contacting his swollen child , while The Judgment Day glared and did different things trouble makers do . I dug it ! It's a basic story told really and with some heart . How Have You Helped Me Lately IYO SKY and Dakota Kai took off . These two beat Tamina and Dana Brooke in a match that ... definitely , it wasn't perfect . It wasn't dreadful , yet it was super meh . This was the main match in WWE's Women's Tag champion competition and was essentially a cakewalk for Kai and Sky , Which sound like Kaientai .Omos crushed several old neighborhood folks . We Can Go Blow for Blow ... Which was all I anticipated saying until it hit me that there's actually no need on this show for Omos . Particularly in the event that it's trivial squashes on a show where most matches implied something . This match between Chad Gable and Dolph Ziggler , as well . 

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