Raw recap forever partners & reactions : New fight, WWE Raw highlights, Raw review preview results 15 August

 Raw recap forever partners & reactions : New fight, WWE Raw highlights Raw review preview highlights results 15 August 

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Raw was live from my old neighborhood this week . Was I there ? Obviously not . For one , attempting to recap and expound on this show while in an ocean of individuals and liquor with patchy WiFi seems like a circle of misery . Furthermore, B , I just rather be here with you great individuals ! We should talk Raw ! Claire was additionally not at the Capital One Arena since she was too caught up with writing for a blog like no other person can blog .Drew McIntyre and Kevin Owens executed an ideal mic meeting this week . Before the extemporaneous match , McIntyre emerged to converse with the D.C. swarm and get them amped up for the phantom of matches on the way . Drew O'Mac versus Ciampa . Drew O'Mac versus AJ Styles . The group was into it and Drew had more names before an old song played in Capital One Area . Owens felt insulted that Drew didn't make reference to him - until he appeared - as a future rival . Yet, he didn't fault Drow for the slight ; he accused himself . Ow credited it to failing to remember who he was for credited it to failing to remember who he was for a really long time . Appearing for work to have a good time isn't what his identity is nevertheless he was content doing precisely that . Owens accepts Drew doesn't have the foggiest idea who he is either in light of multiple factors . For the most part since he emerge with a sword like a player at Medieval Times . Owens would rather not be like Drew and neglect , so he's bringing back the side of himself he neglected : the award warrior . Drew answered in kind with fire that felt genuine . He related the reality he was the Chosen One quite a while back and he got terminated . He worked really hard to return to WWE - and they called him - he's a double cross boss , beaten Brock Lesnar , Goldberg , and any other person put before him . As such , you don't have the foggiest idea about his story . Drew then, at that point, utilized the word " grapplers " and " wrestling ring , " then the two put on an improm episode of dopeness .woras wont ao it equity . I'm not in any event, going to attempt to retract it ; 

simply realize it was a battle like the session Sheamus and Drew put on during a new episode of SmackDown , just without the bar brawl perspective . The one disadvantage , despite the fact that I totally get it , is the DQ finish . What's more, it's just a drawback since I needed to see a victor and the group did too . The Usos went after Drew , giving the Scotsman the triumph . I get it . Roman is the large award for the two men . Also, The Usos are here since Roman doesn't work Mondays . Somebody needs to additional the fight , right ? The two men conveyed messages to the Tribal Chief : Owens , in the wake of hitting Drew with a shocker , told the Usos the Tribal Chief owes him one . Attracted

 , coming to with perfect timing to evade the 1D and convey an amazing Q Claymore to Jimmy Uso , said he will see
Roman on Friday night . That was all great stuff . The coordinate was perfect and with a legitimate completion ? Conceivably more noteworthy . Once more , the consummation seemed OK , so it's certainly a criticize . Yet in addition me simply being eager . Whoop to DMX . I have blended sentiments about AJ Style Bobby Lashley . The third demonstration of the m was norfoot Not only the to and fro was awesome . In addition to the volatile viewpoint , however the reality AJ's back too such a lot of discipline during the match that it turned into a plot gadget . However, there was a ton occurring during the primary a portion of that traveled every which way . Before I get to that , let me give more blossoms to the two men in the ring . Lashley ruled the main half . They recounted the narrative of the predominant boss attesting that strength over somebody considered his equivalent or better . AJ required another methodology and rapidly in light of the fact that his approach wasn't working . I like stories like that when it's told by two veterans of this type . The conviction going into this match was AJ's general ability could overwhelm Lashley's force . No , that didn't occur . AJ was no counterpart for the All Mighty . In the end , AJ found his ocean legs however Mighty . Ultimately , AJ found his ocean legs however not before we got a breaks from Miz , Ciampa , and Dexter Lumis . Dexi appeared in the group , once more , and hopped the blockade this time . Critique - and the police - regarded his appearance as inn , with Raw going to business while the police wrestled Dexter to the ground and accompanied him out of the field . I actually like the show and have such countless a bigger number of inquiries than I did last week . Showing Dexter as a gatecrasher , one WWE in general is apparently disregarding , harkens back to a period where genuinely anything could occur in WWE . It adds an edge to the show and makes it more unquestionable requirement than Miz . That is something worth being thankful for . I'm torn on it coming during this mat similar time we got Miz and Ciampa meddling . What's more, the Awesome Two ( not their genuine name , yet the name of a hip bounce public broadcast from the ' 80s ) had no genuine effect on the match . So they just appeared , Miz got destroyed , and afterward they left . Prior , Miz faulted AJ for Ciampa's U.S. title misfortune , so their appearance checks out . Be that as it may, make it mean something . There was only a ton occurring here and none of it changed the result . That second to the side , this was a decent appearing for two excellent grapplers . The calf smasher into the Hurt Lock into pin counter was an extraordinary piece of business . AJ accepted the L here as Bobby's rule proceeds . AJ and Miz seems like the following legitimate objective for the Phenomenal One , however on the genuine , I'm more invigorated for an AJ and Lashley rerun .Extracurriculars Custody Battle I'm only here to discuss Rhea Ripley considering herself Dominik's genuine daddy . Better believe it , definitely , Judgment Day mocked Rey Mysterio and Edge . Rey even emerged to go after them realizing he was dwarfed . In any case, Rhea's line , and her resulting execution , was the most awesome aspect of Raws opening portion . Come see her bother and insult Rey realizing he won't hit her . Remain for the daddy line . Progressing and Going Home I referenced before that I love competitions . There are moment stakes and each match is significant . Obviously , the ladies' ta group competition is definitely in my wheelhouse .Thankfully , Doudrop and Nikki A.S.H. versus Alexa Bliss and Asuka conveyed a coordinate that with tension . I thought the champs early in light of the fact that Alexa and Asuka need to areas of strength for look into their coordinate with Control ( that is everything I'm calling them until somebody says to me in any case ) . Be that as it may, Nikki and Doudrop looked perfect collectively and, surprisingly, began coordinating . Sure , it's simply a calfskin coat for Nikki , yet losing the cape and, surprisingly, the dull shaded outfit is a decent step towards making them a genuine group as opposed to only two individuals set up in light of the fact that imaginative didn't have anything for them . If the two of them get in total agreement from a look point of view , and get greater improvement for their genuine group , they could make dope music together . Asuka made Doudrop tap . getting the success Awesome Tags Asuka made Doudrop tap , getting the success for herself and Alexa . Before their festival with Bianca Belair started vigorously , Bailey , Kai and SKY met them at the highest point of the stage . It's wrestling so a battle broke out however authorities split it up before it got great . The fundamental focal point from Ciampa and Miz versus Mustafa Ali and Cedric Alexander is I need an Ali and Ciampa quarrel . Ali makes everybody looks great however he makes Ciampa look inconceivable . Furthermore, Ciampa does likewise for him also . It's no big surprise they highlighted in the match's consummation . Ali , ignorant that Ciampa was the legitimate man , put Miz in the drop zone for a 450 Splash . Before his body associated Miz's , Ciampa sent off into an impeccably KAI ! coordinated punt that got Ali solidly in the jaw on the way down . It was a marvelous sight and my insect sense says these two would shake the house . Ciampa proceeds with his energy while dropping inconspicuous clues that his experience with Miz is reaching a conclusion . Miz gifted Ciampa with a matching neckband . Ciampa looked irritated however at that point once more , perhaps that is only the resting face of a furious man . In any case, nah , I think the end is close . Dakota Kai beat up on Dana Brooke . What else did you expect ? Think about Who's Back ? Back Again ? Question's back , Riddle's back , Riddle's , Bro shocked Seth Franklin Rollins during an Also Back ?? portion where the Visionary accepted Riddle was at home giving a meeting . Ends up , he was in D.C. Puzzle hurried to the ring , fought with Seth since wrestling , and provoked Rollins to a match at Clash at the Castle . Additionally BACK ?! Go , the man with the best hair in all of WWE . He crushed some person . Golly , that hurt me . Hypothesis ! The MITB attaché holder made his not so victorious re-visitation of the red brand . Why not all that victorious ? Since Dolph Ziggler got in front of him to give him some game . Hypothesis didn't the exhortation , called Ziggler washed and a has been . Ziggler picked brutality , and two fought
all through the business break . Look . I'm simply happy this is as yet a thing and they didn't create some distance from it expecting not a single one of us recall . Storyline consistency is something worth being thankful for , individuals ! Celebrate . That battle went on in the current week's headliner . A decent match , however not an excessively intriguing one . Hypothesis several chances in that reverberated all through the field . First , a lower arm to Dolph's jaw and later a clothesline that nearly put Ziggler through the mat . Be that as it may, this ought not be the headliner for Raw . I realize that sounds like a diss yet it's not . Crude necessities a heavyweight title seriously . Nothing bad can be said about these two or what they did in the ring this week , however that is not the match that closes a three hour program . Not with a random form that got derailea two or three weeks and presently is a thing once more . Zeke Doesn't Speak Ezekiel is in the medical clinic . His family looks after him . Also, they all seem to be Elias . Their father even sounds and seems to be Elias with an extremely modest terrible cap . Curiouser and curiouser . Crude was strong once more . Not a dynamite show but rather a strong one structure this new inventive establishment . My grumbles with the headliner to the side , I partook in this show regardless of whether nothing genuinely newsworthy occurred . Sharing some inside convo among Geno and I , it very well may be the ideal opportunity for Raw to change everything around a little . In addition to the look

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