10 WWE Superstars Who Turned Heel & Babyface More Than Once Within a Year, WWE news

 10 WWE Superstars Who Turned Heel & Babyface More Than Once Within a Year 

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Throughout the long term , heel and face turns have shown to be an imperative device in the movement of storylines in WWE . A portion of the turns are expected , while others work out coincidentally . Yet, one thing that is without a doubt is such unexpected developments make for convincing and engaging TV .RELATED : 10 Storyline Twists Everyone Saw Coming In WWE Almost every significant Superstar has gone from being a hero to a terrible one and/or the other way around numerous times . Anyway , certain names have messed with this idea a considerable amount . As a matter of fact , various expert grapplers have turned at least a few times in the span of a year . Here is a rundown of 10 of them . CM Punk ( July 2012 - June 2013 ) While things might have gone better compared to they did , that doesn't change the way that CM Punk partook in a significant disagreement WWE . All through his close - eight - year - long the fundamental program , Punk went through character changes many times . On July 23 , 2012 , during the memorable 1000th episode of WWE RAW , he turned heel because of his dissatisfactions with the organization's divinely selected individuals eclipsing him . During his run as a bad guy , he lined up with Paul Heyman and fought with any semblance of John Cena , The Rock , and The Undertaker . Before the finish of June 2013 , Punk would return to the great side and get deceived by Heyman . The Undertaker ( November 2001 - July 2002 ) When it comes to the wrestling scene , there are not really any names more darling than The Undertaker . So , it's intriguing to that The Deadman has played a trouble maker on various occasions . A model is his fleeting run as the abhorrent " Big Evil . " The previously mentioned run started on November 26 , 2001 , when the multi - time World Champion went after Jim Ross for denying Mr. McMahon's " stinky " demand . Taker would proceed to have resentment quarrels against any semblance of The Rock , Ric Flair , and Hulk Hogan . His heel circular segment would reach a conclusion following his notable stepping stool match against Jeff Hardy on the July 1 , 2002 episode of RAW . Senior member Ambrose ( October 2018 - March 2019 ) Fans had been clamoring for a Dean Ambrose ( presently Jon Moxley ) heel turr the day The Shield previously finished . Their desires
were conceded on October 22 , 2018 , when The Lunatic Fringe ruthlessly turned on his then - tag - group accomplice , Seth Rollins . RELATED : 10 Wrestlers Who Had Disappointing Heel Runs Despite it being exceptionally expected , Ambrose's heel run ended up being a dull ride . His germaphobe contrivance didn't help either . It went on for a couple of months before Roman Reigns got back from Leukemia in March and rejoined The Shield . It was likewise during the very run that the 2016 Money in the Bank champ dismissed another agreement and made his dismissed another agreement and came to his conclusion about leaving the organization perfectly clear . Matt Hardy ( January - August 2009 ) Matt Hardy quarreled with his more youthful sibling , Jeff in 2009. Notwithstanding being on various brands , the siblings continued to collaborate seldomly until Royal Rumble 2009. At the occasion , Matt double-crossed Jeff and caused him to lose his recently - came out on top for WWE Championship to Edge . The Broken One couldn't process The Charismatic Enigma's rising prevalence and chose to attack his vocation each opportunity he got . This contention would go several months , following which vatt would move to RAW for some time . He would
get back to SmackDown in August 2009 and turn face again by favoring Jeff in his serious quarrel with CM Punk . Randy Orton ( August 2004 - March 2005 ) as of now , there aren't numerous babyfaces on the WWE program who can get stronger pops than Randy Orton consistently . Anyway , The Viper wasn't generally perfect at playing a fan #1 . Truth be told , he battled in the wake of becoming one in August 2004 when he was savagely removed from Evolution . He fought with his previous stablemates through January 2005 , following which he gradually returned to being a bad guy . Orton finished his heel turn in front of his against The Undertaker at WrestleMania
21. The two - time Royal Rumble victor would then stay a heel for the rest of the 10 years . Daniel Bryan ( January - September 2012 ) Daniel Bryan's ( presently Bryan Danielson ) in ring abilities were never in uncertainty . Anyway , his experience with WWE assisted the crowd with figuring out how compelling of a narrator he is . In December 2011 , Bryan came out on top for his most memorable World Championship in WWE by trading out his Money in the Bank contract on The Big Show , who had quite recently brought home the championship from main adversary , Mark Henry . RELATED : Daniel Bryan's 5 Best Matches As A Heel ( and 5 Best As A Babyface )In the weeks that followed , The American Dragon would progress into a fearful heel who celebrated even the triumphs got through sketchy means . Notwithstanding that , the WWE Universe's adoration for him didn't change at all . Furthermore, by September 2012 , Bryan would turn into a babyface again subsequent to shaping Team Hell No with Kane . Eddie Guerrero ( May - October 2005 ) The void left by the incredible Eddie Guerrero won't most likely ever be filled . Latino Heat exhibited huge reach each time he was on TV . One of his most convincing storylines occurred just months before his grievous downfall .Guerrero turned on Mysterio ( his then - label group accomplice ) in May 2005 to start off a " profoundly private " competition with him that would include both their families . After that , the head of the LWO began seeking after the Wor Championship , held by Batista at that point . During this program , Guerrero and Batista would go from enemies to companions , prompting the previous turning into a fan most loved once more . AJ Styles ( May 2016 - April 2017 ) AJ Styles has cut out an exceptional ( play on words expected ) profession for himself . He has fought with the best and finished the Grand Slam . Stunningly enough , the principal Championship he won in WWE was one for example the WWE Championship .He came out on top for said championship soon after his famous quarrel with John Cena , which started with the previous' heel turn in May 2016. As SmackDown's top Champion , The Phenomenal One satisfied his self announced standing as " The Face That Runs The Place . " After leaving the title picture , he fought with Shane McMahon and crushed him in a tremendous match at WrestleMania 33. Just after that , Styles would return to being a babyface . Edge ( April - October 2010 ) During the star - studded Ruthless Aggression Era , Edge flourished as The Ultimate Opportunist . So , following his return at Royal Rumble 2010 , fans were anxious to check whether he could function as a g again after north of five years of being on the contrary side . RELATED : 10 Things About Edge's Career That Made No Sense However , the long - anticipated turn didn't keep going long as The Rated - R Superstar changed back to heel close to 90 days into his return . Edge enjoyed the center of 2010 working with recognizable countenances , as well as up and - comers like The Nexus . In October , subsequent to venting his wrath on the " Anonymous RAW GM , " the two - time Royal Rumble champ started one more face run . This run would end up finding success than the one preceding it . The Big Show ( Throughout 1999 ) It wouldn't be reasonable to examine various face/heel turns without referencing The Big Show . The World's Largest Athlete is inseparable from regularly changing sides . In his presentation year alone , he exchanged multiple times ! He made his WWE appearance in February 1999 as a feature of the terrible " The Corporation " group . Then at WrestleMania XV , he walked out on The Corporation by thumping Mr. McMahon out , turning into a face simultaneously . Anyway , he would be moved back toward the way of detestable in the mid year of 1999 in the wake of starting a " unholy coalition " with The Undertaker . Yet, that wasn't enough since Show would figure out how to press in one last turn before the millennium's end . This face turn would set him in opposition to The Big Boss Man in a story rotating around the previous' late dad .2nd point WWE digital marketing in US,, Over the decades , heel and face turns have proven to be a vital tool in the progression of storylines in WWE . Some of the turns are anticipated , while others happen out of the blue . But one thing that's for sure is such plot twists make for compelling and entertaining TV .RELATED : 10 Storyline Twists Everyone Saw Coming In WWE Almost every major Superstar has gone from being a good guy to a bad one and / or vice versa multiple times . However , certain names have played around with this concept quite a lot . In fact , numerous professional wrestlers have turned more than once within a year . Here is a list of 10 of them . CM Punk ( July 2012 - June 2013 ) While things could have gone better than they did , that doesn't change the fact that CM Punk enjoyed an impactful run in WWE . Throughout his near - eight - year - long the main roster , Punk underwent character changes quite a few times . On July 23 , 2012 , during the historic 1000th episode of WWE RAW , he turned heel due to his frustrations with the company's chosen ones overshadowing him . During his run as a villain , he aligned with Paul Heyman and feuded with the likes of John Cena , The Rock , and The Undertaker . Before the end of June 2013 , Punk would revert to the good side and get betrayed by Heyman . The Undertaker ( November 2001 - July 2002 ) When it comes to the wrestling world , there are hardly any names more beloved than The Undertaker . So , it's interesting to that The Deadman has played a bad guy multiple times . An example is his short lived run as the villainous " Big Evil . " The aforementioned run began on November 26 , 2001 , when the multi - time World Champion attacked Jim Ross for denying Mr. McMahon's " stinky " request . Taker would go on to have grudge feuds against the likes of The Rock , Ric Flair , and Hulk Hogan . His heel arc would come to an end following his iconic ladder match against Jeff Hardy on the July 1 , 2002 episode of RAW . Dean Ambrose ( October 2018 - March 2019 ) Fans had been clamoring for a Dean Ambrose ( now Jon Moxley ) heel turr the day The Shield first ended . Their wishes
were granted on October 22 , 2018 , when The Lunatic Fringe brutally turned on his then - tag - team partner , Seth Rollins . RELATED : 10 Wrestlers Who Had Disappointing Heel Runs Despite it being highly anticipated , Ambrose's heel run turned out to be a lackluster ride . His germaphobe gimmick didn't help either . It lasted for a few months before Roman Reigns returned from Leukemia in March and reunited The Shield . It was also during the same run that the 2016 Money in the Bank winner rejected a new contract and made his rejected a new contract and made his decision about leaving the company crystal clear . Matt Hardy ( January - August 2009 ) Matt Hardy feuded with his younger brother , Jeff in 2009. Despite being on different brands , the brothers kept teaming up seldomly until Royal Rumble 2009. At the event , Matt betrayed Jeff and made him lose his newly - won WWE Championship to Edge . The Broken One couldn't digest The Charismatic Enigma's rising popularity and decided to sabotage his career every chance he got . This rivalry would go a couple of months , following which vatt would move to RAW for a while . He would
return to SmackDown in August 2009 and turn face again by siding with Jeff in his intense feud with CM Punk . Randy Orton ( August 2004 - March 2005 ) At present , there aren't many babyfaces on the WWE roster who can get louder pops than Randy Orton on a weekly basis . However , The Viper wasn't always great at playing a fan favorite . In fact , he struggled after becoming one in August 2004 when he was ruthlessly kicked out of Evolution . He feuded with his former stablemates through January 2005 , following which he slowly went back to being a villain . Orton completed his heel turn ahead of his against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 
21. The two - time Royal Rumble winner would then remain a heel until the end of the decade . Daniel Bryan ( January - September 2012 ) Daniel Bryan's ( now Bryan Danielson ) in ring skills were never in doubt . However , his time with WWE helped the audience learn how effective of a storyteller he is . In December 2011 , Bryan won his first World Championship in WWE by cashing in his Money in the Bank contract on The Big Show , who had just won the title from arch rival , Mark Henry . RELATED : Daniel Bryan's 5 Best Matches As A Heel ( & 5 Best As A Babyface )In the weeks that followed , The American Dragon would transition into a cowardly heel who celebrated even the victories secured via questionable means . Despite that , the WWE Universe's love for him didn't change in the slightest . And by September 2012 , Bryan would become a babyface again after forming Team Hell No with Kane . Eddie Guerrero ( May - October 2005 ) The void left by the legendary Eddie Guerrero will probably never be filled . Latino Heat showcased tremendous range every time he was on TV . One of his most compelling storylines took place merely months before his tragic demise .Guerrero turned on Mysterio ( his then - tag team partner ) in May 2005 to kick off a " deeply personal " rivalry with him that would involve both their families . After that , the leader of the LWO started pursuing the Wor Championship , held by Batista at the time . During this program , Guerrero and Batista would go from foes to friends , leading to the former becoming a fan favorite again . AJ Styles ( May 2016 - April 2017 ) AJ Styles has carved out a phenomenal ( pun intended ) career for himself . He has feuded with the best and completed the Grand Slam . Impressively enough , the first Championship he won in WWE was one i.e. the WWE Championship .He won said title shortly after his iconic feud with John Cena , which began with the former's heel turn in May 2016. As SmackDown's top Champion , The Phenomenal One lived up to his self proclaimed reputation as " The Face That Runs The Place . " After exiting the title picture , he feuded with Shane McMahon and defeated him in a spectacular match at WrestleMania 33. Right after that , Styles would go back to being a babyface . Edge ( April - October 2010 ) During the star - studded Ruthless Aggression Era , Edge thrived as The Ultimate Opportunist . So , following his return at Royal Rumble 2010 , fans were eager to see if he could work as a g again after over five years of being on the opposite side . RELATED : 10 Things About Edge's Career That Made No Sense However , the long - awaited turn didn't last long as The Rated - R Superstar switched back to heel around three months into his return . Edge spent the middle of 2010 working with familiar faces , as well as up and - comers such as The Nexus . In October , after venting his fury on the " Anonymous RAW GM , " the two - time Royal Rumble winner began yet another face run . This run would prove to be more successful than the one before it . The Big Show ( Throughout 1999 ) It wouldn't be fair to discuss multiple face / heel turns without mentioning The Big Show . The World's Largest Athlete is synonymous with frequently changing sides . In his debut year alone , he switched three times ! He made his WWE arrival in February 1999 as part of the villainous " The Corporation " faction . Then at WrestleMania XV , he turned his back on The Corporation by knocking Mr. McMahon out , becoming a face in the process . However , he would be drawn back toward the path of evil in the summer of 1999 after initiating an " unholy alliance " with The Undertaker . But that wasn't enough because Show would manage to squeeze in one final turn before the end of the millennium . This face turn would pit him against The Big Boss Man in a story revolving around the former's late father .

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